Online Selling Transform Auto Retailing




The attached article describes changes to the automobile sales market. A friend who used to work at a major car dealer in Virginia Beach explained:
A good chunk of this article describes exactly how Checkered Flag was when I got there at the end of 2011. It had been a big year for auto sales (as I was told on a weekly basis). Within my first month they started the big push towards an online focus. If I worked 8 hours, more than likely 6 of them were on the computer. They never ended commissioned sales completely but were getting close. By the end we had a flat $1600 every two weeks, and anything commission-wise we earned above that was settled at the end of the month. We had 12 people in our internet department and only 4 on the floor. Customers absolutely knew what they wanted and what they wanted to pay. There were many times where I wasn’t even a part of their decision process – I just helped with the paperwork. I think in the very near future there won’t be salesmen (in the traditional sense) at all. The only thing people will need to come in for is the finance side, and it’s only a matter of time until you can do that online as well.
Yes, the marketplace is always changing. Do you have any observations about how these changes have impacted your decision process?

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