overfishing in india




Your full draft will describe your problem in detail, present the incentives associated with it, and discuss how these incentives lead to misuse of the resource. You may find a graph or chart will enhance your argument. If your problem closely parallels one discussed in class, carefully explain how the incentives are similar to those we discussed.

It should thoroughly discuss at least one policy option for addressing the incentives you identified. You may either discuss several policy options which have been proposed, or analyze in-depth a specific proposal for your application, or proposals for similar applications.

Finally, detail the incentives of the people responsible for implementing policies you discuss. Explain, using the collective choice framework, why the policies have not been implemented, why the policies that have been implemented are ineffective, or which features of your case have made effective policies possible, when the cases we discussed in class were not adequately managed.

In addition to paragraph(s) fulfilling each of these objectives, you should include an introductory paragraph that presents an overview of the problem you present and the argument you will make, and a concluding paragraph, which summarizes your argument and findings.

How it should be structured:
A description of the problem.
An explanation of the incentive that causes the problem.
A description of a policy solution that addresses the incentive.
An explanation of how the policy solution addresses the incentive.
An explanation of who bears the costs and benefits of the policy.
An explanation of why policymakers have or have not implemented the policy.

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