like i said before if you want to do another play that you are familiar with that’s fine. I just wanted to point out that there are two parts to this one where you fill in the boxes and then part 2 is the paper.
The most important component of the theatre elective is gaining an understanding of the process
required for a theatrical production. Because going to a play or watching a movie is such a popular form of entertainment, knowing all of the facets that come together to make the final product
increases one’s appreciation of it. For this reason, this semester you will be required to watch a
play and write an analysis of it.
– 1” margins on all sides
– Word process your final copy (double space, spell check, 12 point size, preferably Times New Roman and black ink where hand-written)
– Title Page which features:
– Your full name
– Class course name
– Date
– Name of play
– You may write in the first person
– The Play Critique Outline on the next page is a guideline to assist you
when writing your paper. In other words, every Roman numeral will be a separate
paragraph. Just follow the various points and questions on the outline. Do not answer with yes or no answers. Responses should be in complete, correct grammatical sentences. This will be the equivalent to at least 3 pages minimum and four
pages maximum of written work.
– The Theatrical Critique Notes can be filled out while watching the performance and or filled out afterwards. This page should be legibly hand-written.
– You only need to fill out the top portion of the Play Critique Evaluation
Sheet with your name, date and title of play viewed. The rest of it should be
turned in blank. Read the requirements on this sheet. It will also help you with
what is to be expected when your paper is graded.
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