Purchasing Power versus Pricing Systems in Firms




In this course, you will study topics such as opportunity costs, supply and demand, consumer behavior, elasticity of demand, market structures, factor markets, wages, labor, unions, government and product market, anti-trust and regulations, international finance, and trade. As part of this course, you will demonstrate the application of microeconomics theory (as presented in your textbook) to a current topic, issue, or event and write a formal paper.


Your paper will show how the theory you’ve learned from the course and presented in your textbook applies to or explains a current situation. The paper provides you with an opportunity to realize, reflect, and explain the economics that exists all around us.


Your paper must include a graph used as an explanatory tool of the economic principles presented.


Would you please complete your draft in its entirety? Thank you! Your paper must be at least 1800 words in length. You are missing your reference page along with 6 or more sources.

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