Racial Discrimination in the US




Research Essay Be sure to follow the ‘Writing Guidelines’ to complete the following assignment. Below is the prompt for the research essay. Note, all supplemental material may be found under the associated modules. The Grading Rubric is available to review as well. Write a research essay to one of the approved films assigned to any module in the course. Use the textbook, journal articles, discussions, and/or other outside resources to support your argument. Be sure to cite according to APA guidelines; material for this may be found under ‘Files’ –> ‘APA documents’, or herePreview the document, herePreview the document, and herePreview the document. Example essay-CulturePreview the document & Example Essay-GenderPreview the document APA Sample Paper, BreakdownPreview the document Submit a PDF or Word version of your assignment to CANVAS. No other format will be accepted/graded. The essay cannot exceed 10% plagiarism. Review the plagiarism report before hand. Work submitted over 10% plagiarism will receive an automatic “0”. Do not email the professor your paper. No exceptions. Click to view *Keep to the original assignment guidelines; this is an overview but I had made some exceptions for this group because there was only one research paper (ignore any due dates mentioned as well). ______________________________________________________________________ Now that you’ve been introduced to the basics of the course, we examine how the issues of race, ethnicity, prejudice and discriminate have real world consequences. The following documentaries/films examine racial, along with other intersectional issues (class, gender, nationality, etc.) along these lines. Consider the following: Which intersections are under examination? How are race and ethnicity defined? Responded to and by whom/what? Why does society treat racial and ethnic groups differently, and why is there social inequality between these groups? How are these divisions and inequalities able to persist so stubbornly, and how extensive are they?



please disregarded the Discrimination in the workplace and write about the film


Can you please look at the film ” Tangerine Red Band Trailer.”

On (Netflix) and answer the questions that are listing below. that what the research paper is about

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