Real Estate Logistics




Answer those two questions based on

How are the companies’ building leased and managed, through 3rd party agreements vs. in-house management?

What push back are they experiencing getting new tenants for vacant space, renewing current tenant, or keeping tenants from defaulting on leases?



Site all specific figures you discuss and attach a bibliography, format for this is very brief, Title of the article, publication or website, date published or read online and the author.


To find information start on the companies’ websites, they should all have an Investor Relations Section.  Listen to recent earnings calls, read reports the company has put out in the last year.  The data for this report does not have to be the most recent, just so long as it gives you a better perspective on the company and the market that you can share with the class in your presentation.


Also consider how the company has performed compared to other firms in the industry, what factors have led to the varied performance.



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