Sexual Identity Development for undergrad college students




from the topic i want to focus on theories about Sexual orientation identity, then, is the individual’s “conscious acknowledgement” and sexual behaviors in this time. provide recommendations for practice. Support with at least 4 references in addition to your books or required readings. This paper should be in APA style. Organization of Paper: Your final paper will take the form of a research article, such as those found in the Journal of College Student Development or the Journal of Student Affairs Research and Practice. ———— we should do interview with 2 undergrad students ; The paper will contain the following sections: • Statement of the problem/rationale for the study. • Brief literature review setting a context or supporting your statement of the problem/rationale. • Theoretical framework: Describe the student development theory(ies) that provided the basis for this study. • Research questions for the study. • Methodology and methods: Describe your process for data collection, including identifying and recruiting participants, study parameters, interview or focus group questions, etc. • Data analysis methods: How did you analyze the data you collected to answer your research questions? • Discussion: How do you interpret your findings? How do your results connect or not connect with the theoretical framework? • Implications: How can the findings be applied in individual (student meeting), group (educational program), and faculty/staff (academic/administrative) contexts? How are the elements of multicultural organizational development (MOD) evidenced in your findings and your recommendations? • Conclusion: Summarize your study in 1–2 paragraphs. Student Development in College : Theory, Research, and Practice class text book

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