Solved: benefit management





A very exciting opportunity for our Business Analysis co-host has presented itself. We have been asked to identify how to better engage our alumni once they have graduated from the program. This is alignment with both college’s 2025 strategy. Though there is no one solution in mind, preliminary thinking includes some type of virtual community that will provide on-going project management learning for our alumni, offer them insight into additional opportunities to learn through the college’s lifelong learning network to provide alumni a landing page for project management insights, best practice templates and tools as well as provide a connection for our current students with alumni for mentorships, co-ops, internships and even full-time jobs.

We will work to better define the opportunity, create a business case and then consider the end of the project as we look at transition to operations and solution evaluation. Building the solution is not part of the BA work – though as business analysts, we would be involved in verifying and validating the solution.



Based on the section B, complete section D and E.



  1. Definition of Each Program/Project Benefit –

What are the targeted values to be gained by implementing this product, result?


Benefit Number Benefit Describe how benefit will be realized
1 Alumni can improve the image of the school and promote the school. Schools can increase their visibility through alumni associations. By creating some alumni association activities, that can better promote university projects and increase program visibility.
2 The alumni association can promote exchanges with students, so that students can learn more from alumni. Create a communication platform for alumni and students. Ask some alumni to share their experiences.
3 The Alumni Association provides alumni or students with resources to connect with other alumni in the country to help them get career advice and job opportunities. Alumni can help other people understand the project or work consultation through re-education part-time project consultants, school lectures or online meetings.
4 It can increase the loyalty of alumni to the school and thus obtain financial support Organizations can create “new grad” rates and establish Alumni-Student Engagement programs through membership.



  1. Each Benefit’s Impact to the Program’s Outcomes/ Alignment to business strategy

This section shows how each benefit supports and is aligned with the business strategy of the organization.  It further shows the value of the program/project in terms of the benefits to be realized.


Benefit number Benefit Program/project Goal/outcome and Business Strategy Alignment Benefit owner
1 Alumni can improve the image of the school and promote the school. Schools can increase their visibility through alumni associations.    
2 The alumni association can promote exchanges with students, so that students can learn more from alumni.    
3 The alumni association provides alumni or students with resources to connect with other alumni in the country to help them get career advice and job opportunities.    
4 It can increase the loyalty of alumni to the school and thus obtain financial support    



  1. Metrics and Procedures to Measure Benefits

This section describes the key metrics that will be collected, and the processes that will be used to measure the program benefits.  Metrics may be direct or indirect and measure that shows the benefit has been realized.

Benefit Number Benefit Metric Procedure to measure benefit
1 Alumni can improve the image of the school and promote the school. Schools can increase their visibility through alumni associations.    
2 The alumni association can promote exchanges with students, so that students can learn more from alumni.    
3 The alumni association provides alumni or students with resources to connect with other alumni in the country to help them get career advice and job opportunities.    
4 It can increase the loyalty of alumni to the school and thus obtain financial support    


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