SOLVED In alphabetical order, the six most common last names in the United States in 2018 were Brown, Garcia, Johnson, Jones, Smith, and Williams (United States Census Bureau website). Assume that a sample of individuals with one of these last names provided the following data. Click on the datafile logo to reference the data.




In alphabetical order, the six most common last names in the United States in 2018 were Brown, Garcia, Johnson, Jones, Smith, and Williams (United States Census Bureau website). Assume that a sample of  individuals with one of these last names provided the following data. Click on the datafile logo to reference the data.

Brown Williams Williams Williams Brown
Smith Jones Smith Johnson Smith
Garcia Smith Brown Williams Johnson
Johnson Smith Smith Johnson Brown
Williams Garcia Johnson Williams Johnson
Williams Johnson Jones Smith Brown
Johnson Smith Smith Brown Jones
Jones Jones Smith Smith Garcia
Garcia Jones Williams Garcia Smith
Jones Johnson Brown Johnson Garcia

Summarize the data by constructing the following items.

a. Fill in the frequency (to the whole number), the relative frequency (to 2 decimals), and percent frequency (to the whole number) values below.

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