Solved: Marketing Plan



Your final project is a marketing plan for the company and product or service of your choice. If you are choosing a large global company, you MUST create a new product.  However, this new product may be an upgrade of an existing product.

You need to select a company that you have not used for your other assignments in the class. Your plan information should address all areas covered in this course for a marketing plan. The “Company-Business Profiles” link found in the Library under the How to Find section, is a great place to look for company information for this assignment.

Below is the outline to be followed for this assignment:

Section Length
Executive Summary. This provides a busy executive everything he or she needs to know to invest (or not) in your proposal. It captures your key proposal and recommendations/decision factors and projected outcomes of the plan’s recommendations.
Note: This is not an introduction to the marketing plan. Typically, the executive summary is written after the plan has been completed.
1 Slide
Company Overview. A brief description of the company, including its mission statement, background, and competitive advantages. 1 Slide
Situational Analysis. SWOT analysis—Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats facing the company. Also include any other external factors that may influence future sales, such as legal or social activities. 2-3 Slides
Objectives/Goals. Briefly describe your proposal–what’s new and why. What is the opportunity to be addressed or the problem to be solved? 1 Slide
Segmentation and Targeting Analysis. Define and explain why segmentation is needed. Explain the approach taken (e.g., the use of demographics) taken, and name market segments. Define and explain why targeting is needed, and roughly size your target market. 2-3 Slides
Marketing Strategy. Explain and support your marketing mix component decisions, using the 4 P’s, academic concepts, and academic reference sources. Create one perceptual map (See Section 5.4 of the textbook for an example.) 2-3 Slides
Branding Strategy. How will the brand be developed and supported? What will be the “implied promise” of the brand? 1 Slide
Ethical Considerations. Explain how the proposed plan aligns with the company’s statement of ethics and corporate social responsibility. 1 Slide
Financial Projections. Present a summary spreadsheet. For example: years 1, 2 and 3 units sold, sales volumes. Estimate marketing expenses for promotions/advertising. What is the projected timeline of the product life cycle’s introduction and also growth stage? 2-3 Slides
Conclusion 1 Slide

Suggested slide setup and number of slides (25 slides):

  • Title
  • Executive Summary
  • Company Overview
  • Strengths
  • Weaknesses
  • Opportunities (trends)
  • Threats
  • Marketing Plan Objectives
  • Segmentation
  • Target Market
  • Positioning Map
  • Product (features and benefits versus the competition)
  • Price (compared with competition)
  • Price Strategy
  • Promotional Strategy
  • Place Strategy
  • Branding Strategy
  • CSR Strategy
  • Ethics and Corporate Social Responsibility
  • Financial Projections
  • Conclusion
  • References


  • 15-20 PowerPoint slides in the body of the presentation.
  • Application of marketing models, theory, terminology, and concepts throughout the plan
  • A minimum of six references, in addition to the textbook and assigned readings. Include at least two peer-reviewed articles.
  • Meet all requirements defined in the Portfolio Project Rubric
  • Formatted according to  CSU-Global Guide to Writing and APA(Links to an external site.).

Note: If you do not have access to a microphone, you may write out your narration as a script and submit as an accompanying Word document or find an alternative way of presenting the narration, depending on the program. PowerPoint, for instance, has the option to add notes at the bottom of each slide. Be sure to clearly designate which slide the narration accompanies.


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