Solved: PSY A200: Introduction to Behavior Analysis Discussion Project 1





Most human problems have causes and solutions that can be tied back directly to our behavior… but why does behavior occur? The topics below help highlight a variety of facets of human behavior, ranging from epistemology to forming healthy habits, from unique cultural practices to failures of our systems.


Assigned materials:

  1. On not eating the marshmallow – Helen Betya Rubinstein and Why thoughts aren’t causes – Lee Hulbert-Williams
  2. The Crime Machine, Part I (#127) – Reply All
  3. Designing Sustainable Behavior Change – Michael Kim, Habit Design
  4. How Inuit Parents Teach Kids To Control Their Anger – Michaeleen Doucleff & Jane Greenhalgh, NPR


Assignment Instructions:

Read and carefully evaluate one of the sources above. At the start of class, submit a brief summary addressing the following questions.


Note: proof of completion will involve bringing a printed copy of your work to class! If you don’t have a printed copy, this is evidence of not being prepared for class and you may not be able to fully participate.


  • Why did you select this source? Is it a personal or professional interest?
  • What is the issue (personal or cultural) that is important to you? Briefly describe any issue that’s important to you, not necessarily the one referenced by this work. Why is this issue important to you?

While you don’t have to find an issue to discuss in this reading, I will be asking you to reflect on how an issue to you is reflected in the reading, so really carefully consider your issue before selecting a reading.

  • How do we typically explain this behavior? I.e., if you were talking to a friend, how would they describe the behavior and why it occurs?
  • How would a behavior analyst begin to break this problem apart? I.e., what are some objective, countable behaviors that contribute to or detract from this goal?
  • What are some challenges created by using private events (such as motivation) to explain behavior?
  • Next, how does the reading inform that issue? Does it help explain the issue? Confuse the issue further?



Student FAQ:

Q: Oh goodness! Do I have to read all three?

A: Heavens no! Pick one topic that is most relevant to your interests, and craft your responses based on that source. However, it may be beneficial to briefly review all four topics so you get an idea of what others will be discussing when we have the full-class discussion.


Q: How long does this have to be? What standards do I have to conform to for formatting?

A: I hate arbitrary length distinctions (e.g., minimum word or page counts). Use the space YOU need to for answering the questions above. Note that most students complete this assignment pretty effectively in a page or 2, but I will not constrict you.

Note also that you don’t need to include any sort of special cover page, though I will ask you to cite your sources. Be sure that you include a references section at the bottom of your reflection, and do your best to approximate APA reference formatting (see the Purdue OWL APA formatting page for more guidance).


Q: Where do I submit this assignment on Blackboard?

A: You don’t have to if you don’t want to, but it would be a pleasure to have a copy of your work for my own reference. If you’d like to submit a copy online, see the link in the “Discussion Project” folder. However, your credit for this activity will come from bringing a printed copy of your reflection to class so a peer can read and respond to your work before we can discuss the content.


Q: Part 2 says to pick an issue or problem, but I don’t see an issue presented in the reading.

A: The authors may reference one, or you can choose to discuss a different issue that affects you in some way. The type of issue you select is not as important as demonstrating the understanding and synthesis of material from the textbook and lecture to your personal experience.

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