Solved: Use the table below to answer Questions 9 and 1 0 : The demand schedule below is a tabulation of quantity demanded for a specific product at various price levels




  • Use the table below to answer Questions 9 and 10:
    The demand schedule below is a tabulation of quantity demanded for a specific product at various price levels:
    Price (Rand) Quantity Demanded (Units)
    0 20
    30 20
    50 20
    80 20
    QUESTION 9 (4 Marks)
    Which of the graphs below best represents the demand curve for this product?
    A. Graph A
    B. Graph B
    C. Graph C
    D. Graph D
    QUESTION 10 (4 Marks)
    Which of the following best represents the type of price elasticity of demand for this good?
    A. Relatively elastic
    B. Relatively inelastic
    C. Perfectly elastic
    D. Perfectly inelastic

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