“The Anatomy of the Organization”.




Essay 1

15 points

Single Spaced

Due: February 10


Directions:    First, Read “The Anatomy of the Organization”.  Then, use Bohan’s Model of the Organization to assess the Culture of an organization that you are familiar with.  The ideal case would be an organization that you presently work for, or have worked for in the past.  Other good cases would be organizations for which someone you know works or has worked for.  In those cases, I would expect that you would use them as a source for information. Focus only on Culture and the Eight Culture Levers.  Read that again…focus on Culture only.  Not Environment.  Not Resources or Processes.  Just Culture!


Your essay should be at about three pages (single spaced) and it should include basic information from the readings and class, and your own thoughts and analysis.


A good way to go about it would be to copy all the headings from the Anatomy of Organization reading under Culture and fill in under them.  I’ll go over this in class.


Remember…your attention should be on Culture.


Instructions for Sending Drafts

Send as many drafts as you like.  The earlier you send them, the more likely I’ll get to spend some time with them.


Send your drafts by email onlyDon’t submit them on Blackboard.  Send them to gbohan@kent.edu .


Here’s the filename to use for your draft:


OB Spring 20 Essay 1 Draft 1 [or 2 or 3 or whatever] YourLastName


Notice the spaces.  Notice it’s “Spring 20” not “Spring 2020”.


If you send a draft with any other filename or even the above filename incorrectly typed, I’ll kick it back to you to rename the file. Nothing personal, it’s just that I usually get lots of drafts, so it’s difficult to keep track of them if they aren’t labeled properly.


Instructions for Submitting Final Version

Submit your Essay 1 Final Version on to Assignments on Blackboard.  Don’t email it and DON’T give me a hard copy.

Here’s the filename to use for your final version:  OB Spring 19 Essay 1 Final YourLastName.

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