Treating Employees Well Leads To Satisfied Customers




Research Paper Construction and Rubric

  • Students will complete one research paper. The paper will be assigned as independent study.  It will consist of the following:


  • Entire document will be constructed using the MLA format
  • Minimum of 10 full pages of research (not including title page or works cited page).
  • A “works cited” page (must contain a minimum of 8 references)
    • The in-text references (8 minimum) must be present and cited in “works cited” page (MLA format)
  • 1-inch margins all around
  • Times New Roman
    • Font size – no larger than 12
  • Double-spaced
  • No extra line-spacing between paragraphs
  • The following must also be considered relevant:
    • Distinguish between reliable and questionable Internet sources and apply responsible use of technology.
    • Understand plagiarism and its consequences and identify ethical issues of research and documentation.
    • Credit sources for both quoted and paraphrased ideas.
    • Cite sources of information using a standard method of documentation, such as a style sheet from the Modern Language Association (MLA).
    • Paper must be written in a 3rd person format
      • Cannot contain the use of personal pronouns (except in direct quotations).
    • Contact the Writing Center for assistance on the construction/format.
      • See provided samples
    • Paper will be graded per rubric (below)




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