World Civilization




Please answer two of the three following questions with as much detail as possible and using your own words and specific examples from the Countries we studied.


  1. What is the difference between eastern and western cultures? Discuss the political, social, art, technology and religions of each? Use more than one civilization as an example for each. Which do you think was more important to the changing civilizations at this time? This should be in the form of an essay with introductions, a thesis and examples proving your statements.


  1. Compare and contrast the Mongol and Roman Empires. How did each control the lands the possessed? How did they rule these empires? In what ways were there rules beneficial? Destructive? Although both ruled for a long time, how did each rule end?


  1. Compare the Renaissance to Tang dynasty China in terms of Art, Literature and Science? How was each ruled politically? Were there changes in religion? How did people live at the time?



You should write about five paragraphs for each of the two you choose. These are not easy questions. Good luck and have a great rest of the semester.

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