Write a short informal report. Online Shopping would be a good idea.




Please read the “Short Informal Report” file carefully to know more information and compose the paper. Write the informal report using the memo format and focus on the audience, they could be a boss or a reader

Short Informal Report

Outcome: To write a short informal report in a memo format.

Most of you will not have a job where you have to write long, formal reports. In fact, most of you will only have to do short informal reports. This usually entails your bosses asking you to research something small and report back to them on options. Often this is in an email or a memo format; and for our assignment, you will do this in memo format.  Follow the steps and guidelines below:

Step 1:  

Topic: Due to the increase use of social media and other internet use, your boss would like to find out how different companies in your industry are using these tools for communication and promotion. In addition, it is important to gather specific examples of ways social media is impacting businesses in your field today. (I think Online Shopping would be a good idea to compose this paper.)


Step 2:  Clarify the purpose of your report.
Write a thesis statement that explains the central idea of your report.  Refer to Section 6.1, “General Purpose and Thesis Statements,” in the textbook Business Communication for Success.   This thesis will be included in the introduction of your report.

Step 3:  Write the informal report using a memo format (no more than two pages).   Your audience will be either your boss or me, depending on the topic you choose.

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