Solvd: The Role of Bank Ownership Structure (Public vs. Private) in Influencing Income Inequality: A Comparative Analysis


2000 words results analysis using Eviews

Feedback for the submitted work:

You have done an amazing work in the literature review which I am very happy with – very well done. My only recommendation for the literature review would be around structuring this section (which is not a priority now).

I agree with Sakina’s comments.

For bank ownership measurement, please refer to the attached paper [Panizza, U. (2024)]. Mainly, there are three different measurements for government ownership from the dataset:

1) SOE1: % of gov. ownership of A multiplied by the total assets of bank A  divided by the total bank assets of the country.
2) SOE2: assuming that when the gov owns 20% of Bank A then it has full control of the whole bank. Then, gov ownership in the country is equal to the total assets of bank A  divided by the total bank assets of the country (when gov owns more than 20% of the bank).
2) SOE3: is similar to SOE2 but using 50% as the threshold.

Please see pages 9 and 10 in HEIDWP07-2023 (attached).

I think you should expand the scope of the study to include more countries. This is better when using panel data econometric methods. Including more countries will ensure that there is enough variability in the regression. In the attached dataset, you have more than 100 countries, which can be classified by income groups as well to compare between developed and underdeveloped economies.

For previous papers using this measurement, please see below:
Panizza, U. (2024). Bank ownership around the world. Journal of Banking & Finance, 166, 107255.

Have a look at the attached dataset and the panel data section in the attached Eviews guide (Section 21 p. 87 to 93).”

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