Consumer Journal is an assignment that focuses on consumer transformation. The purpose is to make you more aware of your consumption patterns and your behavior. You will each pick one aspect of life you wish to adjust, ideally a change for the better. You will then spend the semester actively trying to change and improve this part of your life and measuring your behavioral change towards specific goals you have set. You will keep an ongoing diary of progress, completed by you every week (and submit 3 updates through the semester and 1 final reflection). In these, you are reflecting on your experiences and learning. You can log ‘data’ in various ways (including narrative form, numbers, Fitbit output, etc.). You will also include diary entries related to the various topics we are covering from week-to-week- how well are you able to incorporate important concepts from the course into your understanding of your personal change project. You will complete your assignment by writing a short summary report due at the end of the semester (see appendix). 

In 2 pages (max, double spaced) provide a progress report. Include strategies you have used, and any progress and/or obstacles you have encountered. Find journals 1&2 attached.

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