Solved: AC431: Chapter 22 Assignment


In this assignment, you will take on the role of a corporation wishing to engage with a First Nations
community. You will be analyzing and reporting on the financial statements of a First Nations
government to determine their financial position and future viability (sustainability).
This assignment is worth 5% of your final grade.
Please submit a Word document (not pdf). Please submit via Blackboard by 11:59 pm April 15.
Your report should be no more than 5 pages in length (not including the cover page and list of
references) single-spaced with 11 or 12 point font (font of your choice). The 5 pages is a
MAXIMUM, not a minimum. If you think you can get all the important information needed to get
the marks onto 2 pages, that is acceptable.
Your report must include the following:
Topic Marks
Cover page containing:
a) the name of the First Nation Community and the year(s) you are analyzing; b) the assignment due
date; c) student’s names; d) instructor name; and e) course number & name.
Introductory paragraph (This should be very brief – explain the purpose of your report to the reader) 4
Analysis of financial statements

  • Describe what information in the financial statements would be of interest to a corporation that
    is interested in partnering with this First Nations community. Be specific to the First Nation
    financial statements you are analyzing.
  • Are there additional disclosures, not currently present in the financial statements that would
    benefit the corporation? Be specific and refer to at least 2 separate disclosure notes.
  • What is your opinion on the financial sustainability of the First Nation community? Refer to your
    financial analysis. (When performing the analysis, use the formulas that are in the textbook or
    PowerPoint, not formulas you find off the internet. You can choose to do horizontal or vertical
    analysis instead of ratio analysis – your choice.) Do not over-analyze this – pick a few key things
    to report on.
    Decide on a potential partnership (one that you make up – a pretend partnership) that your
    corporation would like to engage in with the community, and report on it, answering the following
  • What is the idea for your partnership with the First Nations community? (Do not use a real
    company here – make one up out of your head. Be as creative as you dare.)
  • How would your proposed partnership benefit the First Nations community?
  • How would the proposed partnership benefit your corporation?
  • What strategy will your corporation use to engage the First Nations community in this venture?
    (This is an important part of this section – 10 marks for this one part. Think about how First
    Nations communities have been historically treated in Canada; and think about ways your
    company can show the community that your company will not repeat those mistakes.)
    Concluding paragraph 4
    Grammar and spelling (full marks for no errors; lose one mark for each error) 5
    Professional look and feel (including proper APA format [but single-spaced] for body of report and
    citations. Use in-text body citations and reference list of citations if using research.)
    Total marks available 60
    AC431: Chapter 22 Assignment
    Winter 2024 Oona Szyja page 2 of 2
    Although you are not required to use any researched information (from internet or other), if you
    DO use any researched information, you must use proper APA citing rules. (APA citation basics:
    If you use any researched information, at the very least, you must include in-text citations in the
    body of your report AND a reference list at the end of your report – using the APA citation rules per
    the link provided above.
    Failure to properly cite your sources is a violation of academic integrity will result in a zero grade.
    For example, if you include, in your report, a sentence telling the reader the number of people
    living in the First Nation community, cite your source of that information. Where did you get that
    To refresh yourself on Confederation College’s academic integrity policy, you can review it online: (scroll down to section 5-5,
    policy number 1)

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