Solved: Although you practiced creating rubrics in the Module Eight discussion, a rubric may not be the best way to score at least one of the summative assessments that are part of your unit assessment plan. 


EDU 645 Module Eight Assignment Guidelines and Rubric


For the discussion in Module Eight, you created and evaluated rubrics. As mentioned in the module overview, however, there are many other ways to score assessments. This assignment allows you to consider additional ways of scoring the summative assessments that are part of your unit assessment plan.

In the unit assessment plan that you are creating as your final project for this course, you will need to include details about how you will score the summative assessments you create. Keep in mind that scoring is another assessment practice that needs to be applied to the creation of your summative assessments.


Although you practiced creating rubrics in the Module Eight discussion, a rubric may not be the best way to score at least one of the summative assessments that are part of your unit assessment plan. This assignment gives you the opportunity to consider additional methods of scoring. You should discuss two other potential scoring methods, including the advantages and disadvantages of each method applied to your summative assessments. For example, consider why one method might be appropriate for one of your summative assessments and how it might be challenging to apply. Carefully read Chapter Two of Modern Classroom Assessment, specifically the sections labeled “Objective and Subjective Scoring” and “Norm-Referenced and Criterion-Referenced Scoring” for some ideas of alternate scoring methods.

Specifically, the following critical elements must be addressed:

Scoring Methods: Describe two distinct scoring methods (other than rubrics) that might be appropriate for the summative assessments that your final project is based on. Carefully read Chapter Two of Modern Classroom Assessment, specifically the sections labeled “Objective and Subjective Scoring” and “Norm-Referenced and Criterion-Referenced Scoring” for some ideas of alternate scoring methods.

Advantages: Justify why each scoring method might be appropriate for the summative assessments you created. Use specific and accurate details about the scoring method and connect these to specific details from your summative assessment.

Disadvantages: Explain how each scoring method might be inappropriate for the summative assessments you created or how it might create challenges. Again, use specific and accurate details about the scoring method and connect these to specific details from your summative assessment.

What to Submit

Your paper should be a 1- to 2-page Microsoft Word document with double spacing, 12-point Times New Roman font, one-inch page margins, and at least one source cited in APA format. The page length excludes title and reference pages.

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