Solved: ASSESSMENT 2: Human Rights Research and Analysis Report


Australia has been criticised by both domestic and international human rights bodies for engaging in some
contemporary human rights violations. In this assignment, you are required to select one of the issues identified
by the Australian Human Rights Commission (
Issues include:

  • Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Social Justice
  • Age Discrimination
  • Children’s Rights
  • Disability Rights
  • Race Discrimination
  • Sex Discrimination
  • Asylum Seekers and Refugees
  • Rights and Freedoms
  • Business and Human Rights
  • Technology and Human Rights
    Your task is to research your chosen issue, where you will explore how the Australian Government has
    approached the issue historically and how it informs their current or proposed social policies. You are required
    to critically analyse the Australian response, in which you could compare it to international responses or
    discourse. You are to also write what a social work response to this issue may look like, through two key practice
    areas, policy, and direct practice.
    You are to discuss relevant key concepts such as power, marginalisation, oppression, social justice,
    intersectionality, etc. learned in this unit so far. Your report should include a discussion of three areas:
  • History of the issue in the Australian context
  • Analysis on current policies that shape Government response (be descriptive in the policy and its
  • Strategies for social workers to address the issue through two key practice areas – policy and direct
    Word count: 2000 words
    Assignment weighting: 40%
    References: At least five (5) different unit readings, or academic literature from scholarly sources.
    SWM102 Ss and Models of Intervention in
    Social Work Practice S Skills and erven in
    Social Work and Models of In in Social Work
    Practice 2
    Assessment 2
    SWM102 Assessment 2
    Page 1 of 3 January 2022
    1.1 Rubric
    Student Name: Student Number:
    Assessment Task: Human Rights research and Analysis Report
    Quality of
    (< 50%) A failing grade is given to assessments which manifestly do not reach accepted tertiary standards in terms of content, organisation, conventions, or presentation (as outlined below). Pass (51-64%) A passing grade is given to assessments, which generally reach accepted tertiary standards in terms of content, organisation, conventions, or presentation. Credit (65-74%) A credit grade is given to assessments, which reach, and sometimes exceed, accepted tertiary standards in terms of content, organisation, conventions, or presentation. Distinction (75-84%) A distinction grade is given to assessments, which reach, and often exceed, accepted tertiary standards in terms of content, organisation, conventions, or presentation. High Distinction (85%>)
    A high distinction grade is given
    to assessments, which almost
    always exceed accepted
    tertiary standards in terms of
    content, organisation,
    conventions, or presentation.
    Overall Grade
    NB: Students should be aware that a raw mark attained for a piece of assessment may not be the same as the final mark and corresponding grade awarded by Excelsia College Moderation
    Page 2 of 3
    Overall Content – 40% Demonstrates little or no
    ability to understand the topic
    content or to use it in
    developing a response.
    Demonstrates an understanding of
    the topic content in developing a
    Demonstrates an accurate
    understanding of the topic content
    in developing a clear response.
    Demonstrates a sound critical
    understanding of the topic content
    in developing a well-argued
    Demonstrates a thorough critical
    understanding of the topic content
    in developing an insightful
    Understanding of the
    selected human right issue.
    Inadequate understanding of
    the selected human right
    Adequate understanding of the
    selected human right issue.
    Good understanding of the
    selected human right issue.
    Very good understanding of the
    selected human right issue.
    Exemplary coverage of the
    selected human right issue.
    Ability to relate the key
    concepts in this unit to
    social policy and the human
    rights issue.
    Demonstrates little to no
    understanding of the key
    concepts in relation to social
    policy and the selected human
    rights issue.
    Demonstrates some
    understanding of the key concepts
    in relation to social policy and the
    selected human rights issue.
    Reflections demonstrate
    understanding of the key concepts
    in relation to social policy and the
    selected human rights issue.
    Reflections are thoughtful,
    insightful, and supported by
    examples relating key concepts to
    social policy and the selected
    human rights issue.
    Very insightful reflection with
    respect to concepts. There are
    strong and clear links to related
    concepts and unit readings.
    Capacity to discuss
    strategies for social workers
    to address the selected
    Demonstrates little to no ability
    to use social work skills and
    knowledge to address the
    selected issue.
    Some coverage of social work
    skills and knowledge to address
    the selected issue.
    Good coverage of social work
    skills and knowledge to address
    the selected issue.
    Demonstrates very good coverage
    of social work skills and
    knowledge to address the issue.
    Demonstrates an exceptional
    depth of coverage of social work
    skills and knowledge to address
    the issue.
    Effective use of the set and
    recommended literature for
    this unit.
    The paper lacks scholarly
    literature as the basis for the
    The paper shows some
    applications of concepts from the
    unit readings to the real-world
    Information is somewhat correct.
    Good application of academic
    literature from the unit to the
    real- world example. The
    Well cited paper with very good
    application of the core concepts
    from the unit readings to the realworld example. The information
    and citations are mostly correct.
    The paper demonstrates
    excellent application of the core
    concepts from the unit readings
    to the real- world example.
    Information is correctly cited.
    Good written
    expression and
    correct use of APA
    (7th edition).
    Poor written work made up of
    multiple spelling mistakes,
    poor grammar and did not use
    correct referencing style.
    Some effort made in the citations
    and written work; some structure is
    evident. Significant spelling and
    grammar are still present.
    Citations are mostly correct.
    Spelling and grammar mistakes are
    minimal. Written structure of the
    report helps portray knowledge.
    Very good use of APA referencing,
    with little to no corrections needed.
    Good written structure to the
    report that is well laid out and little
    correction needed.
    Highly engaging written work, with
    no corrections needed. Citations
    are excellent, with student
    demonstrating strict adherence to
    the APA referencing style.

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