Solved: Assignment 1


  1. Definitions Briefly define the following and note why each term is important in
    industrial organization.
  • Cross-price elasticity
  • Marginal revenue
  • Sub-Game Perfect Nash equilibrium
  • Endowment effect
  • Deadweight loss
  1. Game Theory: Circle all the Nash equilibrium in the following one- shot games. You
    can assume that a game written in normal form is a simultaneous game and one written
    in extensive form is a sequential game.
    Player 1’s payoffs are listed first.
    Player 2
    Player 1 Blue Green
    Stripes (5,7) (6,3)
    Solids (2,8) (4,2)
    David Left Center Right
    Top (5,5) (1,4) (0,3)
    Middle (4,1) (1,1) (2,2)
    Bottom (3,0) (2,2) (3,3)
    c. In the game for #2, if you found more than one Nash Equilibrium, what is the Pareto
    optimal Nash Equilibrium? Why?
    d. In the “Golden Ball” game show clip we watched in class, the contestants would split
    the money if they both chose Share, lose the money if they both chose Steal, and one
    would get all of the money if he chose Steal and the other chose Share. Assume the
    total pot is $1,000. Draw the normal form of the game and show the Nash Equilibrium.
    e. Player 1 moves first and can choose Left or Right. Player 2 then moves and can
    choose Up or Down. The payoffs are as follows (with Player 1’s payoff listed first).
    Left-Up = (5, 0), Left-Down = (3, 7), Right-Up = (3, 4), Right-Down = (4, 6).
    i. Draw the strategic form of the game and find the Sub-Game perfect Nash
  2. In what way is behavioral economics important to the study of firm’s strategic decision
    making? That is, in what ways might firms decisions change because of the fact that
    people, and especially consumers, are not perfectly rational? Be specific(150 words

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