Solved: ASSIGNMENT #13


CHAPTER-16 : Discussion Questions

1. What is a Lean producer?

It is a company that takes on the belief of reducing waste, aiming for perfection through consistent learning, team, and creativity.

2. What is JIT?

JIT is a viewpoint of nonstop and required problem solving, and changes a series of vogue programs.

3. What is TPS?

TPS stands for Toyota Production System and is the benchmark for repetitive manufacturing. It has three core components: (1) continuous improvement, (2) respect for people, and (3) standard work practices.

4. What is level scheduling? 

Level scheduling is the processing of small batches regularly rather than several large batches because small batches change always.

5. JIT attempts to remove delays, which do not add value. How, then, does JIT cope with weather and its impact on crop harvest and transportation times?

JIT is at risk for unpredictable events like weather issues and when weather issues arise more safety stock is necessary. JIT then allows for safety stock and in-transit inventory to cope with weather.

6. What are three ways in which Lean and quality are related?

  • JIT cuts the cost of obtaining good quality;
  • JIT improves quality
  • Better quality means fewer buffers and therefore a better, easier-to-use JIT system.

7. What is kaizen, and what is a kaizen event?

Kaizen is a Japanese word which implies changing decidedly and in Lean terms, it implies persistent change. Kaizen event implies a work cell meets to create and actualize process enhancements instantly.

8. What are the characteristics of supplier partnerships with respect to suppliers?

  • Analysis to enable desirable suppliers to become/stay price competitive
  • Competitive bidding mostly limited to new purchases
  • Buyer resists vertical integration and subsequent wipeout of supplier business
  • Suppliers are encouraged to extend JIT buying to their suppliers

9. Discuss how the Japanese word for card has application in the study of JIT.

The Japanese word is kanban, and it speaks to the waste diminishment, remove lessening, and little parcel estimate that describe JIT.

10. Standardized, reusable containers have obvious benefits for shipping. What is the purpose of these devices within the plant?

Within the plant, the purpose of these devices is to suggest the quality of the kanban.

11. Does Lean production work in the service sector? Provide an example.

Lean production works in the service sector, starting from the layouts in fastfood restaurants like McDonald’s to inventory at Arnold Palmer Hospitals.

12. Which Lean techniques work in both the manufacturing and service sectors?

Lean techniques in JIT, layout(work cells), inventory reduction and tight scheduling all have applications in manufacturing and services, even though each may have some limitations.

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