4 April, 2024
1 category
SMART Goal Planning Sheet
(S) SPECIFIC: What do you want to accomplish?
(M) MEASURABLE: How will you know when you have accomplished your goal?
- ATTAINABLE: How can the goal be accomplished?
(R) RELEVANT: Is this goal worth working hard to accomplish? Explain.
(T) TIME-BOUND: By when will the goal be accomplished?
- Using the SMART Goal Worksheet provided, write 2 separate SMART career goals specific to professional development.
- Professional development refers to the process of identifying goals and learning new skills to help you grow and succeed at work. Here are some examples of what can count as professional development experience:
- Attend a professional conference.
- Attend workshops to develop professional skill sets.
- Shadow a colleague or someone you know who has been successful in your desired field.
- Read a book that can help you in your field.
- Obtaining a professional certification, license, or designation that can help your career.
Please ensure that:
- You use the SMART Goal Worksheet for this assignment.
- These goals are regarding professional development for your career. No personal/life related goals.
Please note: Do not provide personal goals, such as buying a house, becoming a millionaire, losing weight/gaining weight, getting your dream car…etc. This will result in you not being awarded points for this assignment.
- Completed SMART Career Goal Worksheet.
- Remember that you are submitting 2 professional development goals, so the worksheet should be completely filled out.
- Please make sure your goals are related to professional development and your career before you submit them.
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