Solved: Bend It Like Beckham


Choose one discussion question and post an answer. A discussion post should make reference to a specific scene from the film and identify how narrative elements (dialogue, character actions, etc.) and/or film style (editing, cinematography, sound, etc.) contribute to your view. The posts should be approximately 250 words.

If working in groups, the person making the post must include the full names of the other members within the post on Quercus.

Choose one discussion question:

“Bend It Like Beckham reveals,” states Gedalof, “elements of a more complicated view of the migrant family and its place in the diaspora space of contemporary Britain than might be immediately apparent” (153). With reference to a specific scene from the film, how does Chadha undermine stereotypes or assumptions about diasporic communities?

“Where home and reproductive activities are discussed,” states Gedalof, “they are often framed as something to escape from, or as an illusory and never-to-be-retrieved endpoint” (133). By discussing a specific scene from the film, how does Chadha transform (or fail to) images of home?

Peacock highlights “home and its layered nuances for individuals in diasporic communities” (211). Through the analysis of a specific scene, how does Chadha use public or private spaces to express meaning?

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