Solved: biostaatistics



Please note: this assessment task must be all your own work. Please do not discuss questions and answers in detail with your fellow students.

Assignments must be submitted on-line via the assignment folder in the unit site in Deakin sync before 8 pm on 12th April 2024. Assignments must be submitted in a Microsoft Word document or an editable pdf.

Some of the questions may require calculations. The formula you use, and your calculations should be included with your answers. If the final answer is incorrect, assessors can determine whether this is because of a simple calculation error (small loss of marks) or because of an incorrect formula or incorrect figures.

Some of the questions may require calculations using Stata. Where you have used Stata for calculations, you should copy the Stata commands and output from the Stata results screen and paste them into your assignment so that the assessor can see how you have derived your answer. Note: this Stata output is required in addition to your answer to the question. Simply pasting in the Stata output will not be considered an adequate answer on its own. Note that all tables and graphs in this assignment should be presented with appropriate headings and footnotes.

Please submit two versions of the assignment to the assignment submission folder. The first should include the original assessment questions (to make sure you have answered all questions) and the second should exclude the original questions to check assignment originality with Turnitin.

If applicable, acknowledge when and how you have used any AI tools for your assessment.

This assignment is worth 20% of the final mark for HSH746/HSH946 and the marks allocated for each question are shown.

Students should ensure that they keep a spare copy of their work.

Student Name:

Student ID Number

Question 1

The Framingham heart study is a longitudinal prospective study of the cause or origin of cardiovascular disease among a population of individuals in the community of Framingham, Massachusetts, USA. The primary objective of the study was to identify the common factors/characteristics that contribute to cardiovascular disease in the Framingham, Massachusetts general population. Participants were followed over a long period to monitor their cardiovascular health. To sample the population, they considered certain key characteristics relevant to cardiovascular health (e.g. age and sex) and the fact that each member had a chance of being chosen into the study. (Total Marks: 5)

  1. What is the target population of interest? (0.5 marks)
  • What sampling method(s) would be most appropriate and why (2.5 marks)
  • If the most appropriate sampling method is used in (b) above, would you consider the study’s findings to be generalisable to the general population of Framingham, Massachusetts? Give a reason why. (1 mark)
  • Would you consider the study’s findings to be generalisable to the general population of the USA? Give a reason why. (1 mark)

Question 2

Read the following data description and answer the following questions. A study collected data on GP visits for 500 adults, aged 45 years and above. The data for this study can be found in the data set AT1_GPvisits data. (Total Marks: 5)

The variables in the data set include the following:

VariableDescriptionUnitsRange or count
idRespondent individual id 1-500
sexSex of respondent1 = Male 2 = Femalen = 202 n = 297
ageRespondent ageYears45 – 79
olderRespondent 65 years and older1 = yes 0 = non = 344 n = 155
GPvisitRespondent visited GP1 = yes 0 = non = 60 n = 440
NGP_visits6mRespondent number of GP visits in the past 6 monthscounts0 -14

The data is synthetic data, you may reference them in your answers as coming from assignment 1 GP_visits study.

  • In this question, we will focus on an exploratory analysis of the data. Check all individual variables and associated variables for any invalid and/or inconsistent values and take appropriate action. Clearly explain each step. (3.5 marks)
  • Older people have been reported to visit the GP more frequently than younger people. Indicate whether this is true for our sample and use statistics to support your answer. Hint use the GPvisits variable and report stats to 1 decimal. (1.5 mark)

Question 3

A study in Australia collected weight for 300 full term newborn babies (grams). The data for this study can be found in the data set AT1_newborn_weight data. (Total Marks: 10)

  1. In Stata, using the drop-down menu, create a histogram of newborn weight (grams). Adjust the bin width to 200, suggest # ticks = 5 for major ticks, suggest # between major ticks = 5 for minor ticks and include height labels. Give the graph an appropriate title and footnote. (2.5 marks)
  • Is the distribution of newborn weight symmetric or not? Give a reason why. Report statistics to 1 decimal. (1.5 mark)
  • Using the histogram, what is the probability that a newborn chosen at random from this sample will have a newborn weight greater than 3800g? Report statistics to 2 decimals (1 mark)
  • There is evidence of a strong association of birth weight with infant mortality, with birthweight shown to be a determinant of infant survival. Suppose you are now interested to categorise the newborns into different weight groups based on their birth weight, using the following criteria.

Low birth weight: birth weight <2500g

Normal birth weight: birth weight between 2500g and 4000g

High birth weight: birthweight >4000g

Generate a new variable (bweight_group) based on the criteria above. (Hint: generate bweight_group =. then replace the variable using the criteria above). (1 mark)

Add value labels as follow:

bweight_group = 1 for Low birth weight

bweight_group = 2 for Normal birth weight

bweight_group = 3 for High birth weight

  • Add value labels, and tabulate bweight_group (1 mark)
  • What percentage of newborn babies were classified as low birth weight (report to 1 decimal)? (0.5 marks)
  • How does the percentage of newborns classified as low birth weight compare to newborns classified as high birth weight? (1 mark)
  • What are the types of variables for examples illustrated above concerning newborn weight?  (1 mark)
  1. Which variable type is more informative? (0.5 marks)

End of assignment questions

Detailed assessment instructions

1.   📝Assignment submission

The assignment is to be submitted in the Assignment Dropbox provided on CloudDeakin, in Word or PDF format. Here are instructions for submitting your assignment online.

2.  🎓Academic integrity

Your responsibility to complete your assignments with academic integrity.

Breaching academic integrity in your assessments is cheating and is not accepted at Deakin. For example, you should not take someone else’s work or ideas and pass them off as your own. If your work contains material copied from a classmate or an external source, your work will be referred to the Faculty Academic Integrity Committee. If you are found guilty of an academic integrity breach, possible penalties include a zero mark for the assessment task, zero marks for the unit, or expulsion from your course.

3.  🤖ChatGPT and other AI tools

  • Undoubtedly you have heard about Artificial Intelligence (AI) tools like Chat GTP. Deakin welcomes this new technology as we see value in developing your awareness and skills for the responsible and authentic use of these tools to prepare you for the workplace.
  • These tools are changing rapidly, as are detection tools, and we will adjust assessments over time to take this into consideration. At present, you can explore these tools in your investigation of the assessment task. However, it is important that you critically evaluate any output it produces as part of the learning process.
  • Please be aware that that these tools are often inaccurate, biased and use out-of-date information. Copying and pasting the AI-generated output into your assignment does not assist your learning and submitting this as your own work without acknowledgement is a breach of student academic integrity standards. Please acknowledge when and how you have used this technology at the start of your assessment submission.
  • Understanding how to use these tools correctly will be essential to avoiding breaches that could impact your successful course progression and possibly your graduation.

Please read more information on ‘Academic Integrity’ and Using Generative AI before finalising your assessment task.

And finally, 🌟

Best wishes for completing the assignment. Remember to post any questions about the assignment in the Assignment (Assessment) Discussion area of CloudDeakin. You can expect to receive feedback and a grade for your assignment approximately 2-3 weeks after the due date.

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