Solved: Building an A3 Document: Background


ntroduction to A3 Thinking:

Week 1:

In this weekly assignment series, you will be building your own A3 problem-solving report to improve a process in your real life.  Each week we will complete one box from the A3. This week you will complete box 1 and only box 1.

In assignment 1 you will be choosing 1 of three common processes to improve.

Morning routine

Evening routine

Study routine

You cannot do any Work out or gym related process or routine. Work out routines will be graded with a  zero (0)

To describe your chosen process, you will complete the Title and Box 1 of your A3 (Do this assignment in paragraph form submitted in a word format).  To complete box 1 you will have to answer 3 questions:

What specific performance measure (KPI with units of measure) needs to be improved? You need to choose 3 KPI’s that describe your process and measure them.

 What is the purpose, the business reason for choosing this issue?

What is the historical context of the situation (i.e. how long has this been happening)?

Lessons learned: Please write a brief paragraph sharing your reflections/lessons learned from doing this assignment.  It should include how you personally benefited from doing this assignment. 

All submissions should be in a standard Word document and not exceed one (1) page.

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