Solved: Care of the Older person- Skills demonstration


Guidelines: You are a Healthcare Assistant working in a residential nursing home. Your supervisor has asked you to assist with recreational activities. She has asked you to develop an activity for one of your residents (profile on next page) Submit a written documentation to include – Word count: 1200 ✓ Client profile ✓ Identify chosen activity with reason(s) for choice ✓ Describe how the activity is planned Time of day for activity and why, room size, placement in room, consents, weather (if applicable), transport (if applicable) etc. ✓ Resources required (what equipment. staff members, prizes etc.) ✓ Meeting the holistic needs of the resident o Physical, Emotional, Environmental, Psychological, Spiritual ✓ Your role in assisting the client/resident throughout the activity ✓ Describe verbal and non-verbal communication required throughout this activity ✓ Identify what health and safety practices are important ✓ Critical evaluation identifying what challenges (if any) this task may hav

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