Solved: Case Study #2 – Federated Screw Company / 2024SP Quality Syst/Process Impr (EMGT-644-52)



2024SP Quality Syst/Process Impr (EMGT-644-52)

Assignment : please see attachment files

Project #2 

Western New England University

Department of Engineering Science


“Quality Systems and Process Improvement” Spring 2023

Project #2: Design, Manufacture & Test of Toy Helicopter

This is a group project.  The groups (Integrated Product Team often referred to as the IPT) will design and construct a toy helicopter for me the customer (owner of Steve’s Hobby Shop).  Each IPT will represent a toy helicopter supplier (for fun, you can name your company in the final report). Each supplier will design, build and test their helicopter.  Each IPT will compile the performance test results and report out on the deliverables defined below.  The project grade will be based on the group report.

An IPT consists of the following roles: IPT Lead (Project Engineer) – The person leading the team and responsible for ensuring all of the team activities and deliverables are completed accurately and on-time.  Responsible for assembling (with other team members) the report and uploading it into Kodiak

Design Engineer – Responsible for leading the design effort on the helicopter.  This includes developing design drawings and specifications as required as well as developing and documenting the DFMEA.

Manufacturing Engineer – Responsible for translating the design drawings and specifications into the actual helicopter.  This involves developing and documenting the Process Flow Diagram (PFD) and PFMEA and work instructions the shop will need to fabricate and assemble the helicopter.

Quality Engineer – Responsible develop and document the QFD 1 system level HOQ.  Also, responsible to ensure all customer requirements have been included and satisfied and the product design definition (drawings, specs, DFMEA) has been met (inspection points and final testing and key characteristic have been defined).  The Quality Engineer shall also conduct document and analyze the helicopter flight testing (including control charts and capability analysis).

I should emphasize that this is a team effort and the IPT members shall work and support each other as needed to ensure the project success. That includes the IPT Lead helping other team members when and where needed. For this project, I want each member of the group members to take on an IPT role with responsibilities outlined above.

Part A: Helicopter Design and Construction: 

The helicopter shall be constructed similar to the example shown in Figure 1.

                        Figure 1

Paper must be used and at least one paper clip must be used. There are no design constraints on the weight, type of paper or details of the wing geometry.  All of the uncontrolled constraints must be developed by the group and documented.  

The customer-controlled design requirements will be as follows:

Paper must be used.

At least one paper clip must be used.

For the helicopter design: This design will also be required to attain a flight time between 2 and 3 seconds when dropped from a height of 7.5ft.  The helicopter shall have the following rotor dimensions 7.00 +/- .25 inches for the length and 2.5 +/- .25 inches for the width. Each supplier (project group) is required to flowchart the construction process for the helicopter design.

Part B:

Performance Testing (Team Exercise):

The group shall nominate a tester to drop (flight test) the helicopter (the tester will need to talk a family member or roommate into timing the flights).  The tester will need to drop the helicopter from 7.5ft (this is typically the distance from the ceiling to the floor in a room of a house).

The tester should use a tape measure to confirm the height.  The tester shall flight test the helicopter at least 30 times and document the results.

This set up will require one person (the tester) launching the helicopter while the other person (family member or roommate) observe the time taken for it to hit the ground.  You will need a watch or cell phone with stop watch capability.

The Deliverables for this Assignment Are:

A brief description of the design including relevant design drawings defining the design (dimensions, notes, materials, etc.).

One QFD House of Quality for the helicopter design.

DFMEA for the helicopter design.

Flowchart of the helicopter manufacturing process.

PFMEA of the helicopter manufacturing process.

A Control Plan for the helicopter manufacturing process. Gage study of the measurement system for at least one key characteristic defined in the control plan in deliverable 7 above.

Control Chart of helicopter performance for the helicopter (team to determine the most appropriate control chart).  Capability Study of the helicopter performance data. (Note: verify the processes are normallydistributed, stable and in-control). Also, some data should be removed if you feel that the helicopter’s performance changed and stabilized after a period of time (e.g.; the design evolved based on testing (note any changes and the effect they had on performance).

The output shall be a report in MS Word or a PDF file detailing the results of the assignment including any Excel and or Minitab Output and shall as a minimum, include all 9 of the deliverables mentioned above with supporting data and analysis in an Appendix. The report shall outline the design, manufacturing and performance testing processes using the deliverables where applicable.  A complete project report detailing the project work with a summary of group (IPT) member name, role and their contributions by each group member shall be uploaded into Kodiak by the IPT Lead.  Additional MS Excel or Mintab files the team feels necessary to support the work done should also be uploaded into Kodiak.

I added the datasheet for the prototype data collection so you can work based on it


Let me check on it


thank you


i will send you update with our team work that way you can use it


so dedline can move away too


Okay,you will inform me


9 Apr

i just added the Gantt chart my name is ahmed shehadeh wich that’s my part to take care of !


plus the photo’s

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