Solved: Chapter 13 Practice Quiz


Question 1

4 / 4 pts

Which of the following regarding forgiveness is NOT true, based on the results of a recent study?

Individuals are more likely to forgive family members than nonfamily members.

Individuals are especially swayed by peer pressure in their willingness to forgive others.

Women are more likely to forgive than men.

Individuals are more likely to forgive those who are dead than to forgive those who are alive.

Question 2

4 / 4 pts

Moral identity, moral character, and moral exemplars are three recently emphasized aspects of which of the following?

moral personality

psychoanalytic theory

social cognitive theory

Kohlberg’s theory

Question 3

4 / 4 pts

When she sees a police car on the road, Abby slows down only because she doesn’t want to get a speeding ticket. What stage of Kohlberg’s morality does this demonstrate?

postconventional reasoning

conventional reasoning

preconventional reasoning

autonomous reasoning

Question 4

4 / 4 pts

Trenton suggests a rule change to a game he and his friends are playing. His friends agree, and they play with the new rules. According to Piaget, Trenton and his friends are showing

heteronomous morality.

autonomous morality.

relativistic morality.

immanent justice.

Question 5

4 / 4 pts

Martina participates in a group that discusses social responsibility and the experiences of others. Adults coach the group about ethical decision making and promote caring behaviors. This is an example of

an integrative approach to moral education.

service learning.

establishing community standards.

cognitive moral education.

Question 6

4 / 4 pts

An older adult who is not a churchgoer feels that religion doesn’t play a big part in his life. Of the following, this older adult is most likely a(n)

non-Latino White American.

Latin American.

African American.

Cuban or Puerto Rican.

Question 7

4 / 4 pts

Carter spills his orange juice while playing at the table. He refutes his punishment by insisting that the incident was an accident. Carter is displaying

autonomous morality.

heteronomous morality.

immanent justice.

punishment of intent.

Question 8

4 / 4 pts

Which of the following is true of moral awareness in infants?

William Damon confirmed a normalized tendency toward voluntary sharing in infants as young as 6 months of age.

Studies into infants and young children show an early foundation for moral awareness that confirms Piaget’s and Kohlberg’s theories of moral development.

In their second year, children tend to reduce voluntary assistance to strangers.

Some studies using the violation of expectations technique have seemed to confirm moral judgment in infants as young as 4 months of age.

Question 9

4 / 4 pts

According to Carol Gilligan’s research, when interpreting moral dilemmas, girls more often employ

a justice perspective.

a care perspective.

autonomous reasoning.

social conventional rigors.

Question 10

4 / 4 pts

Incidence of juvenile delinquency is less frequent when

a family has a high socioeconomic status.

there are a large number of children in the house.

the age of the mother low.

there is a lack of parental monitoring.

Question 11

4 / 4 pts

When his home life obligations pile up, Brent often crumbles under the pressure, feels fatigue, and becomes too distracted to accomplish his tasks. James Rest would argue that Brent lacks

moral exemplars.

moral identity.

moral character.

a moral personality.

Question 12

4 / 4 pts

When children become aware that rules and laws are created by people, and can judge action by considering the actor’s intentions as well as the consequences, they are displaying

immanent justice.

homonymous morality.

heteronomous morality.

autonomous morality.

Question 13

4 / 4 pts

According to Carol Gilligan, Kohlberg’s theory has a justice perspective, which puts emphasis on

universal ethics.

laws and punishment.

interpersonal communication, relationships, and connectedness.

abstract principles and individual action.

Question 14

4 / 4 pts

Carol Gilligan criticized Kohlberg’s theory for

emphasizing relationships and concern for others.

discounting the justice perspective and female reasoning patterns.

discounting the care perspective and female reasoning patterns.

minimizing cultural traditions and practices.

Question 15

4 / 4 pts

To a 6-year-old child, “being fair” would most likely mean giving

an equal amount to all.

more to herself or himself than to others.

more to those who are disadvantaged.

more to those who work the hardest.

Question 16

4 / 4 pts

Ross Thompson (2006, 2009, 2014, 2020) asserts that children are moral





Question 17

4 / 4 pts

According to Freud’s psychoanalytic theory, what is the foundation of moral behavior?

guilt and the desire to avoid feeling guilty

cognitive factors

self-regulation and self-worth

rewards and punishment

Question 18

4 / 4 pts

Four-year-old Bennett shares a favorite toy. According to William Damon (1988), Bennett is most likely motivated by a sense of



moral duty.


Question 19

4 / 4 pts

Students are more likely to cheat under which of the following conditions?

when teachers closely monitor testing

when student scores are kept private

when consequences for cheating are clear

when students know their peers are cheating

Question 20

4 / 4 pts

According to Pamela King and colleagues, a feeling of experiencing something beyond oneself in a transcendent manner and living in a way that benefits others and society is referred to as




a care perspective.

Question 21

4 / 4 pts

Changes in thoughts, feelings, and behaviors regarding standards of right and wrong constitute

moral development.

conscience development.

religious devotion.

spiritual awakening.

Question 22

4 / 4 pts

Kierra is tempted to cheat on a test but chooses not to do so. According to psychoanalytic theory, what keeps Kierra from cheating?

self-punitive guilt

empathy for others who won’t score as well

warnings and lessons from caregivers

extrinsic and intrinsic rewards

Question 23

4 / 4 pts

Cassidy’s mother is angry when she discovers writing on the bedroom door. Cassidy replies, “But it is not right to invade one’s privacy. I’m writing the note on the door to remind everyone of this universal human right.” Cassidy is exhibiting

conventional thinking.

a social systems morality.

heteronomous thinking.

postconventional reasoning.

Question 24

4 / 4 pts

William Damon proposes that children ages 3 years and younger share most often for

adult encouragement and praise.

anticipated reciprocation.

nonempathetic reasons such as fun, or out of imitation.

altruistic reasons.

Question 25

4 / 4 pts

Volunteerism in older adults has been linked to all of the following EXCEPT

better cognitive functioning.

better health.

less loneliness.

decreased immune system functioning.

Quiz Score: 100 out of 100


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