Solved: Chapter 6, Writing Project #3: Create a Proposal


For Writing Project #3, write a proposal on a problem you want to learn more about and recommend a solution for it. The problem must be current, even though it may have existed for years. The problem must matter to other people, and it must have an actual solution(s) you can learn about through research. The problem cannot be unique to you, and the solution cannot be one you only imagine; the problem and the solution must both be real.

Proposals need to cite at least five reliable sources, which must be credible, trustworthy, and unbiased. This may include articles from reputable newspapers, magazines, and academic and professional journals; reputable websites; government sources; and visual sources. Depending on your topic, you may want to conduct a survey, an interview, or an experiment.

Toolkit 6.6: Drafting Your Proposal

You may use the following frames to draft each part of your proposal.


Your introduction should draw readers in, present the topic of the proposal, and end with the thesis statement. Use the paragraph frame to draft an introduction.

[Overview of topic/context] _______________________________________________________


Thesis ________________________________________________________________________


The body of your proposal presents the problem, your proposed solution, and potential objections. You may choose to use a point-evidence-analysis pattern in this section.

What is the problem?

Point _________________________________________________________________________


Evidence ______________________________________________________________________


Analysis _____________________________________________________________________


Why is this a problem?

Point _________________________________________________________________________


Evidence ______________________________________________________________________


Analysis _______________________________________________________________________



After you present the problem, you must use specific information from your sources to present one or more viable solutions.

Introduce a Solution




Provide Evidence to Develop the Solution




If there is more than one solution, you will need to repeat this section.


Based on your problem and suggested solutions, you should provide and refute potential objections. Use the paragraph frame to draft a potential objection and a rebuttal.

Some people may think (objection) _________________________________________________

However, (solution) _____________________________________________________________
is viable because _______________________________________________________________, supported by (evidence) _________________________________________________________

Conclusion and Recommendation

In the conclusion of your proposal, you should interpret your evidence and make a recommendation. Focus on the solution that will best solve the problem and summarize or suggest specific actions that can be taken.

Summary of Main Points of Proposal




Summary of Evidence Supporting Recommendation




Call for Specific Actions





Cite the five sources you consulted and utilized according to the format required by your assignment.

Source 1 ______________________________________________________________________


Source 2 ______________________________________________________________________


Source 3 ______________________________________________________________________


Source 4 ______________________________________________________________________


Source 5 ______________________________________________________________________


Abstract or Executive Summary

Summarize your proposal with an abstract or executive summary. Use the paragraph frame to draft your abstract.

Purpose of proposal _____________________________________________________________


Brief context ___________________________________________________________________


Statement of problem ___________________________________________________________


Restatement of thesis ___________________________________________________________


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