Solved: Cloud Development (design and build an API (application programmer interface) QUOTE YOUR PRICE


  1. Plan out the architecture and design of your application.
  2. Justify your design choices, including pricing estimates, deployment strategies, and incorporation of third-party AI cloud services.
  3. Produce a professionally edited document with appropriate diagrams and information.
  4. API Design and Architecture:
    • Develop a detailed API design and architecture, focusing on scalability, security, and integration with external AI services.
    • Justify your design decisions and present them in a web-accessible format, such as a PDF document.
  5. API Implementation:
    • Develop the backend API using the FastAPI library in Python.
    • Implement features such as account management, database integration, authentication, credit system, queueing system, notification system, and integration with external AI services.
    • Practice professional development processes, including source code control, CI/CD, and testing.
  6. Client Website and Application:
    • Develop a client-side application to interact with the API.
    • Showcase the functionality of the API in the client application.
    • Provide documentation for the API usage within the client application.
  7. Performance and Testing Strategy Report:
    • Document your performance and testing strategy.
    • Provide evidence of testing, including unit tests, functional tests, and any automation plans.
    • Reflect on your development process and discuss any challenges or improvements.
  8. Video Demonstration:
    • Record a video demonstration showcasing your client application and API functionality.
    • Highlight security measures, credit usage, integration with external APIs, and any other relevant professional practices.
    • Ensure professional presentation and adherence to the specified format.

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