The Hallmark Assignment is a culmination of the Community Needs Assessment worksheets you have completed. Worksheets #1 (Community Assessment), #2 (Prevention Education Proposal) and #3 (Disaster Preparedness Assessment) are templates to help guide your final project.
Develop a PowerPoint presentation with a minimum of 20 slides (not including the title slide or reference slides).
Place key points on the slides (maximum 8 words, 5 lines). May include graphs and images.
Include detailed presenter (speaker) notes for each slide.
Full sentences and in-text citations using APA 7th edition are required.
Save and submit your assignment.
When you have completed the assignment, save a copy for yourself in an easily accessible place. Also, save the file to a Word Document (see video for directions). When you follow the directions, it will create a file that has your slides and your presenter notes. Then submit a copy of the PowerPoint and the Word document through Canvas. Please upload .pptx files and .docx only. Make sure the presenter’s notes are visible within the PowerPoint uploads to Canvas.
an hour ago
In section 3, the rubric states, “Ideas are organized logically, flows smoothly, and with an effective progression of thought from paragraph to paragraph connecting to the central position. Includes all required components (introduction, body, conclusion, citations, references, etc.). For a slide presentation, the design, font size, style, speaker notes/narration and spacing are optimal for audience viewing. Five or more of the following rules must be included. Slide presentation rules: 5×8 bullet points, Font ≥ 20 Notes associated with each slide. Narration (if required) is associated with each slide. Includes the required number of slides, excluding Title and Reference slides in the count. The presentation uses appropriate images or animation. (In-text citations are included). The slide presentation is appealing.”
Do you get the instruction?
07:58 AM
07:59 AM
So the worksheet 1, 2 and 3 were done by someone else
07:59 AM
But the powerpoint project datas will come from there
07:59 AM
I have uploaded them in the attachments as well as two templates examples of how the powerpoint should flow