Solved: Content Reflection and Connection Paper 4-5 pages


This paper has two parts. The first part will focus on revisiting some of your own reactions and responses to
materials we’ve covered so far and expanding on or revisiting those thoughts. The second part calls for you to
make connections between three of the materials we’ve covered. Both parts should be included in one document
and submitted as one file. See below for more details.
Part 1 – Content Reflection: For this part of the assignment, you will go back to your Perusall comments and
dialectical journal entries and choose five comments or responses to expand on by including more detail about why
you chose that quote to respond to or comment on, connecting to personal experience, or highlighting what you
found so important or interesting about it.
Please be sure to put quotation marks around each quote and note what source your quote is from, and/or who the
speaker was.
For each quote, describe your experience of absorbing and interacting with the message delivered by the
quote, including
-Your initial response to the quote (you may be able to use your dialectical journal for this)
-What does this quote make you feel? Be specific, and avoid vague phrases. There is a reason this quote
stood out to you as important, and probably gave you a feeling of some sort (anger, hope, nostalgia, fear,
sadness, enlightenment, curiosity, etc.) Describe those feelings in detail.
-Why is this quote important and what can we learn from it for the future? What knowledge do you have as
a result of reading/interacting with this quote that you can use either personally or professionally going
forward in your education, career, and personal life?
Part 2 – Connection: For this part of the assignment, you will choose three materials we’ve covered so far (listed
below) and connect them in some way.

  • You can show how they support each other OR
  • how they refute (go against) one another.
  • You can connect them to a theory or theorist of reading (see Week 2)
  • You could discuss how the students experience is affected in a similar way through each OR
  • how the student experience would be very different based on each
    Please be very specific when citing which sources you’re referring to. Use authors’ last names or titles of works. Be
    specific in describing the connection. An easy way to do this is by using a simple but straightforward thesis
    statement, such as: “These three materials are similar because…” or “These three materials all connect to the work
    of …”
    So far this semester we have covered the following materials.
  • “It Broadens Our Horizon”: English Learners Learn Through Global Literature and Cultural
  • “If Meaning is Constructed, What is it Made From? Toward a Cultural Theory of Reading”
  • TED Talk: Why we should all be reading aloud to children
  • Talking Back and Taking Over: Young Children’s Expressive Engagement During Storybook
  • Podcast: What the Words Say
  • “Language and Literacy: The Poetry Connection”
  • TED Talk: Childhood Brain Development
    Other Requirements:
  • Length: 4-5 pages (If the paper is not four full pages it is not long enough)
  • Paper must be typed and submitted as a .doc, .docx, or .pdf file through Blackboard
  • Double spaced
  • Times New Roman 12pt font
  • 1-inch margins (standard)
  • Excessive grammatical or spelling errors will count against you. Proofread.

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