Solved: Create a Decision Tree FlowChart


create a decision tree flowchart from the document below.
For the “No (Project proceeds with minimal monitoring)” put in triangular final decision box to the far right as final step for that section (as shown in diagaram
The main arrow then splits into two sections that is Operational Risk  and Market Risk and the information with no space between them
The areas highlighted in red shuld be in an arrow flowchart box pointing to the rectangular box of each section .For example 
Operational Risks,  Delays in Permits,   Cost Overruns, Supply    Chain Issues, Technical   Deficiencies (Severity &     | Likelihood Assessment)   should be in one rectangular flowchart box, then an arrow flowchart containing the         High or Moderate Probability   (Private Sector Mitigates) Develop Contingency , Plans, Invest in  Technologies   should be in a red arrow flow chart. Repeat the same for the green sections.

Risk Management Strategies Implemented (Continual Monitoring & Communication) should be in one rectangular box
Final part in one triangular final decision bubble.

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