Solved: Critical Response to an email


Reflection (5%) COMM 2017 Objective: One of the methods we use to discover our metacognitive development is through the use of reflections. In this reflection, refer to your Critical Response to an email assignment a

Critical Response to an email: Reflection (5%)

COMM 2017


One of the methods we use to discover our metacognitive development is through the use of reflections. In this reflection, refer to your Critical Response to an email assignment and review the comments and rubric returned to you.


Below are five key areas to reflect on. Each area contains two questions. Choose one question per key area and write a brief response. Keep your responses limited to 1 – 3 sentences maximum per area.

Remembering: 1.      What did I accomplish:  2.      What steps did I take to complete this work: 
Understanding: 1.      What insights did I develop as a result of doing this work:  2.      How has my perspective changed after doing this assignment:
Analyzing: 1.      What challenges to my current thinking did this work present:  2.      How does this assignment connect with work in another course: 
Evaluating: 1.      What did I do well. What areas do I need to work on: 2.      What would I do differently: 
Creating: 1.      What next steps do I want to take as a result of this learning experience: 2.      What should I do next to achieve my goals: 

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