Solved: Data Analysis & Visualization


There are no doubts that ITs are the key factors in business and industry development.
Companies are always looking for more intelligent solutions for their businesses in order to
improve their processes and achieve superior results. When companies adopt Business
Analytics tools, they are taking advantage of solutions to their business problems, by
transforming data into knowledge for decision making.
Usually Business Analytics includes “decision management, content analytics, planning and
forecasting, discovery and exploration, business intelligence, predictive analytics, data and
content management, stream computing, data warehousing, information integration and
Data Analytics and Data Visualization are two very powerful tools widely used to provide
decision-makers with measurable, relevant, easy to understand input. It’s well known that
Analytics Methods are used at all stages of information processing, but their real application
efficiency depends upon an architecture of company’s Information System (IS), since it
establishes the foundation for flexibility and interoperability of all available methods provided
by IS to analysts and management.
Teamwork in Excel Data Analysis of provided information to demonstrate your professional
skills in finding some insights from the data sets, visualize these results in a clear and effective
manner and make professional practical recommendations.
Format of Deliverables
Deliverable Format File Name Comments
Deliverables MS Word FirstName LastName
Explanations, conclusion &
MS Excel FirstName Last
Data spreadsheets, charts, etc.
The Project Part2 is evaluated out of 15 marks and is worth 15% of your Course grade. See the
Rubric section of this document for an outline of how this part of the Project will be graded.
Your results should be submitted into the SLATE Assignment Dropboxes according to a
deadline. Please be advised that your report will be automatically reviewed by TURNITIN, the
anti-plagiarism software application. Be sure that your work is your own!
This is a group project (2-4 students). As working in groups is one of the course learning
Value and Due Date
Forming Groups
INFO10514 | Using Business Information Systems | S2021
outcomes, no projects submitted by individuals will be graded. You may use the same group as
in Project Part 1 or find new people to work with.
You will be provided the data source with many attributes and variables.

  1. Check your group number and find the corresponding data set in Group Project folder on
    SLATE. For example, if you are in Group 1, your group should work on Data Set 1. If you are
    Group 2, you need to work on Data Set 2, and so on.
  2. You should provide THREE (3) insights based on your data sets. You will be looking for
    relationships between attributes in the data set that can help you understand the company’s
    products, customers, sales and or any other aspects.
  3. You are expected to demonstrate your ability to use the following functions appropriately:
    Sorting, Filtering, Subtotals, IF, CountIF, AverageIF, Pivot Tables and others.
  4. Your analysis may not support using all the listed functions. However, your team will be
    marked on the sophistication of the analysis and the appropriateness of the tools being used.
  5. You and your team are expected to create some professional chart(s) for each insight to
    communicate the results of your analysis. The charts should help to interpret our results
  6. For each insight, the report of your data analysis will include:
    a. A statement about what you are trying to discover.
    b. Tables summarizing the results from your analysis.
    c. Charts/diagrams/plots you are using to visualise the data with appropriate headings
    and formatting.
    d. Screen shots from the Excel will be acceptable if it is clearly labelled and concise.
    e. A brief description of what you have discovered and how the decision-making
    peoplecan use this information to add value to their business.
    f. What actions the companies need to take according to your analysis?
  7. The report first page must have an information that includes all the members’ full names
    and their IDs.
    The Assignment
    Data Analytics
    INFO10514 | Using Business Information Systems | S2021
    Evaluation Criteria, Rubrics
    This is a guide to help you achieve the expectations for the Project Part2.
    Out of Outcomes Comments
    Data Analysis Methodology & Implementation
    o Three analyses are undertaken.
    o For at least two of the questions, three variables are used
    o The techniques and functions are used correctly
    o Demonstrated the professional usage of Excel basic
    functions such as IF, CountIF, SumIF or AverageIF,
    Grouping with Subtotals and Pivot tables
    o The interpretation of the results is correct
    Data Visualization
    o Appropriate to the data being visualized
    o Labelled so that the visualization is understandable
    o Formatting reflects the course lessons on creating
    professional charts that tell a clear story about the data
    /5 Conclusions
    o Findings are relevant to the business
    o Findings show insight
    o Report shows how findings can be implemented to add
    value to the business
    /5 Reflection
    Elements of Style & General Professionalism
    Marks are
  • All elements of spelling, grammar and punctuation are
    correctly applied.
  • Headings are used appropriately to organize the flow of
  • Length of submission is within the acceptable rang

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