Solved: Density Diagram


Find a picture from a media source (movies, TV, comics, video games, etc.) that contains an object floating in a body of water (tub, pool, lake, ocean, etc.). Place the picture in the following diagram template and reference the image using APA format.


Note: Please ignore any science fiction, fantasy, or magic when determining where the notations go. Use only your physical science knowledge from the course notes. If anything is unclear in the image and you feel further explanation is needed, you may use the boxes in the key to clarify.

1. Add a blue arrow next to the floating object in your diagram to represent the buoyant force on that object. Be sure that it is pointing in the correct direction. Label in the key the object to which the buoyant force applies.

2. Move and resize the red circle so that it is around an object in your diagram that has a higher density than water and label it in the key. (If one is not visible in the image, name something in the key that might be nearby that would have a higher density.)

3. Move and resize the green circle so that it is around an object in your diagram that has a lower density than water and label it in the key.

4. Your floating object is applying a pressure on the water, just like the water applies a pressure on the object. Place a purple arrow near your floating object that represents the force of the bottom of that object on the water. Be sure to make sure it points in the correct direction and has the correct size in relation to the buoyant force (blue arrow).

5. By moving and resizing the red rectangle, highlight the area over which the force of the object is applied to the water.

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