Solved: Discussion Board #4: The MD&A Section of the 10-k


***Please post your 300-word initial response to the week’s question by Thursday 11:59pm EST and have at least 3 additional responses (150-200 words) to classmate postings by Sunday 11:59pm EST***

Hello everyone –

Welcome to the discussion forum for week #4 of the class!

The topic of the discussion forum this week is as follows:

This week’s topic area focuses on financial statements and using the information in corporate financial reporting to make decisions.  In the Chapter 1 reading, we learn about the importance of the annual report and specifically certain sections of the annual report, such as the Management Discussion and Analysis (MD&A) section.  For this week’s discussion forum, I would like you to do the following:

  • Choose a U.S. public company and pull their 10-k from the EDGAR database on the SEC website (do not duplicate firms in the forum).( Starbuck Corporation)
  • Assess the MD&A section of the 10-k for the chosen company
  • Post to the forum with at least 5 important facts that you learned based on the assessment of the MD&A section of the 10-k.
  • Attach the 10-K PDF to the discussion board as well

Thank you very much for your participation this week in the discussion forum!

This discussion board supports learning objective LO2: Interpret and assess the various types of information found within financial statements.

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