Solved: Discussion Post


or this week′s Discussion Board post, consider the concept of ″Productive Struggle″ in Mathematics described in the Pasquale (2015) research brief assigned as reading for this week. Select Prompt 1 or 2 Prompt 1: Prompt 2: Explain how a Piagetian /Neo-Piagetian might explain what productive struggle is and why it benefits learners. Then offer two different strategies that a Piagetian/Neo-Piagetian would recommend for maximizing effective productive struggle in children and/or adolescents. Explain how a Vygotskian theorist or a theorist who subscribes to a contemporary contextual perspective on learning might explain what productive struggle is and why it benefits learners. Then offer two different strategies that such a theorist would recommend for maximizing effective productive struggle in children and/or adolescents.

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