Solved: Discussion post 3


Your response should include two paragraphs. The first paragraph should indicate what you learned from the posted content, highlighting several ideas that you found interesting. Ask yourself in writing the first paragraph of each response: What did I learn about the topic from the content – videos or articles? The more you demonstrate what your learned that you otherwise did not know about the topic, the better off you are. What ideas and/or information in the content did you learn and find interesting? In the second paragraph you should offer an educated opinion on the topic. Begin this paragraph with something like, “In my opinion, I think that…? And not just what you think, but give a college-level explanation of WHY you think a certain way about the topic. 

You do not have to read the whole article or watch the whole video (40 minutes) in order to write a response (see instructions below). Write a response to the following content. 

C-SPAN video of a representative of the Heritige Foundation, a conservative think tank in Washington DC.

Optional reading: The World Health Organization is a specialized agency of the United Nations. This site gives its perspective as an international organization:

The Trump administration ran on a slogan of “Making America Great Again.” In the realm of foreign affairs and foreign policy, the Trump administration’s foreign policy is grounded in the principles of Realism, meaning a rejection of globalism, a rejection of mulitalteralism (inter-governmental cooperation through international institutions like the United Nations), a rejection of universal values and principles like human rights, international law, and common solutions to global problems by an international community of states that share commons values and goals, such as saving the planet from human-generated carbon emission causing global warming and climate change, and combating the spread of infectious diseases and pandemics like COVID-19. While history has shown that global problems require coordinated, inter-governmental global responses, the foreign policy approach of the Trump administration emphasizes nationalism, not internationalism. That is, a nationalistic, go-it-alone, unilateral response to challenges that not only the United States faces, but that all nations face.

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