Solved: Discussion Questions Assignment


Purpose: For this assignment, you will more deeply engage with a course topic of your choice by answering discussion questions. 


  1. Select ONE chapter from module 2-5 (i.e. one chapter from chapters 4-18).
  2. In that chapter, answer ANY THREE discussion questions. The discussion questions are those that follow any of the following chapter features: the #CommitSociology box, the #TROT box, or the video.
  3. In total, you are answering only THREE questions from ONE single chapter (any single chapter from Ch 4 – Ch 18).

Evaluation: Responses will be assessed on the following criteria: quality of writing, organization of ideas, thoughtful integration of sociological content, quality and relevance of the content, and your ability to answer the question. Each discussion question is marked out of 10. There is no word limit/range.

There are generally three types of questions you will encounter, and each will be evaluated in different ways (we included sample questions below):

  1. Content-based: these are the most straightforward as they focus on specific content and your understanding of that content. You are evaluated on your knowledge and understanding.
  2. Application: these ask you to apply knowledge to an issue or problem associated with the asset content. You are evaluated on your knowledge, creativity, and ability to apply concepts and ideas.
  3. Opinion: these ask for your personal thoughts on a topic or issue. While they seem like the easiest questions, they can be the most difficult to answer well. You are evaluated on your ability to articulate an informed opinion – your personal thoughts backed up by course material. It requires knowledge, creativity, and application.


  • No cover page/title is required. Please include your name and student number at the top of the document.
  • A references list is not required. Citations are not required, unless you quote from the textbook. However, we discourage quoting.
  • Use whatever font you like, in 12 pt size. Double space your work.
  • Include the question you are answering as a subheading. For example: “Question 13.12: What does the video recommend people do in order to combat Islamophobia? Can you think of anything else that might help to reduce Islamophobia?”

Submission: This assignment must be submitted to Quercus. Any discussion question answer that you submit directly into Top Hat will not be evaluated, nor are answers accepted via email.

Note about the due date: You must submit this assignment by the due date as outlined above in order to avoid late penalties, as outlined below. If you wish to get this assignment done early – such as after you’ve completed a chapter – you are encouraged to do so.

Late submissions will be penalized 10% per day. The penalty will run from the date and time the assignment is due up to 7 days after the due date, after which time assignments are no longer accepted. The penalty period includes weekends and holidays. N.B.: technological failure is not considered beyond your control, according to sociology department policy. No exceptions. For more information, consult the course syllabus.

Sample Format for a Complete Assignment

(*this sample focuses on three questions from Ch 13: Religion)


Student Number

Q 13.1: Cults are often thought of as something different than traditional religions. Do you think Lalich’s advice for how to convince someone to leave a cult could apply to getting someone to abandon their faith, even if they follow a major world religion like Buddhism, Islam, or Christianity?

[response here]

Q 13.8: In Chapter 1—What is Sociology? you read about then-Prime Minister Stephen Harper’s “commit sociology” comment in relation to two men being arrested for plotting a terrorist attack. In what ways do you think a sociological understanding of the issue of suicide bombings might inform public or political opinion about the issue?

[response here]

Q 13.12: What does the video recommend people do in order to combat Islamophobia? Can you think of anything else that might help to reduce Islamophobia?”

[response here]

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