Solved: DNP project outcome


It is important to begin a DNP Project with a robust topic that is not too broad in nature whereby one cannot evaluate the outcomes of an intervention, or so specific and narrow in focus that there may not be anything measurable. The unintended consequence is an inability to conduct a meaningful QI project with measurable outcomes that produces sustainable change.

Project objectives (what your project is trying to accomplish) are designed to help you focus on the intended purpose of the project. Outcome evaluations examine the results of your project.

For this discussion, we will explore your DNP project topic by developing your project objectives and exploring the outcomes you would like to evaluate. Please refer to the Objectives, Outcomes & Process Measures Resource for further information.

Begin by sharing your problem statement for your project from your PICOT Worksheet. List at least two objectives for your project. List at least two outcomes you will be measuring, phrasing these as outcome statements. Refer back to the outcome section of your PICOT question to get you started.

Program processes – what we do to reach our outcomes are often measured to better understand outcomes. List at least two process measures you intend to use in your project. How can you utilize descriptive statistics in the evaluation of your outcomes and/or process measures? Provide an example of the descriptive statistics you might use in the evaluation of your project.

NOTE: My Project will be guided by the following PICOT question; For post-acute patients (P) residing in a Skilled Nursing Facility, what is the effect of introducing the INTERACT-SBAR Tool (I) in comparison to the current non-standardized telephone reporting by LPN/RN staff to providers on (C) the 30-day rehospitalization rate (O) within an 8-week period (T)?

The Problem Statement is as follows; Rehospitalizations within 30 days after discharge is a significant problem facing skilled nursing facilities. Improved communication, early assessment, and intervention offer the potential to reduce the number of patients rehospitalized. Implementing SBAR communication tool

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