Solved: Effects of Social media on mental health


The first three parts of the project are already done, and will be sent to the writer

Part 5:

For this part you have to make a presentation on the process of creating, planning and piloting your test. Below you will find detailed instructions about what the poster needs to include. You have to submit a filled out poster template

**For the poster you have the following instructions:

You have to use this template when creating and submitting your presentation. It is a single slide. Do NOT create more slides. All information should fit on this. You can change the colors and the fonts, the titles of the subheadings, the sizes of the boxes, but do not change the size of the slide. When you work with the slide zoom in to 100% to be able to see what the poster would look like if it were printed out on paper. In terms of content, you poster needs to include:
Background information about your construct and definition of your construct;
The aims/goals of your test/scale/questionnaire;
Some (not all) of the plans for testing its validity and reliability;
Results from the pilot testing; you have to include some graphs here and make sure to label them!!!
Conclusions and Future Directions – in this section write about what you learned about the process of creating a test and what you would like to do next with your test;
Acknowledgements – thank your participants;
!!!In the poster, include APA-style in-text citations where appropriate.

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