Solved: Empirical Research Project


The empirical research project will include the calculation of relevant statistics and an interpretation of the results. The purpose of this project is to allow you to apply the statistical methods we have examined to data of interest to you. The project requirements are to

1.  Select a research question of interest to you from a database file; (Please use the attachment as a guide for research of interest)

2.  Propose a method to answer the research question or hypothesis, including dependent and independent variables, Operational definition of variables, sampling, instrumentation, procedures, and statistical analysis;

3. Calculate and interpret the relevant descriptive and inferential statistics (Check assumptions of the statistical test you select);

4. Provide a brief written report of the project; and

5. Attached a copy of the SPSS output, Hand calculation the relevant descriptive and inferential statistics, and the data file. Please make sure to perform all necessary calculations within SPSS.

Use the attached sample as a guide.

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