Solved: Essay 4: Problem/Solution Research Paper


The Assignment
Compose an essay using the problem/solution format (introduced in Week 14) where you
focus on one social justiceproblem,explain theproblem in depth,andthen offer solution(s)
to the problem.
Please note: The solution(s) do not need to necessarily solve the overall problem but can contribute
to helping or alleviating the problem.
Here are some categories in which to choose from:

  1. Educational Issues: equal access to education, problems within our education system,
    tenure for teachers, etc.
  2. Race/Ethnicity: racialprofiling,policebrutality/profiling, mediatreatment, etc.
  3. Justice Issues: mass incarceration, disparity in sentencing depending on race, limited
    options for post incarceration/parolees, etc.
  4. Gender: Equal pay, media treatment, access to healthcare (birth control, etc), body image,
    gender identity, etc.
  5. Sexual Orientation: gay marriage, gay adoption/parenting, hate crimes, media treatment,
    discrimination, etc.
  6. Poverty/Social Class: the disparity of social class, money distribution, eliminating poverty,
  7. Choose another relevant topic, but get your topic approved by your instructor.
  • Some topics will not be approved, these topics are:
  1. Abortion
  2. Gun Control
  3. Immigration
  4. Conspiracy theories
  5. Any topic that promotes hate or intolerance for races, religions, genders,
    political ideologies, and sexual orientations.
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  • Your essay must be 1200-1500 words (which is 5-7 pages) in length.
  • Your essay must be written as a problem/solution essay with a thesis statement in the
    introduction (info on how to write an informative essay and thesis statement will be shared
    in Week 14).
  • Your essay must include multiple paragraphs (including an introduction with thesis
    statement, multiple body paragraphs, and a conclusion).
  • Must use at least 5 reputable and trustworthy sources. Any of the following can be used
    in your essay:journal,newspaper, magazine,validInternet source,book, interview, film,
    appropriate YouTube video, etc.).
  • Your essay must include at least 5 total MLA formatted quotes or paraphrases from the 5
    reputableandtrustworthysources youfind(at least 1 quote or paraphrase from each
    source). The paraphrases/quotes must be relevant to your thesis or the point you are
    o The 5 MLA formatted quotes/paraphrases must be blended into your writing in one
    of the 3 ways shared in the “Blending Quotes” lesson.
    o The 5 MLA formatted quotes/paraphrases can be used anywhere in your essay.
  • Your essay must be formatted in MLA Style.
  • An MLA Works Cited page is required for all sources used in this essay (Info on Works Cited
    pages will be shared in Week 14).
  • If you choose to use an unapproved AI writing tool to complete this assignment, you must
    cite the use of it every time it is used; failure to do so will result in a zero.
  • Uploadyour finished essayto theCanvas assignment.Only Word Docs or PDFs are
    This essay will be worth up to 18 points and will be graded using a rubric based on the following
  • Clarity and cohesion in your writing (Is your writing clear? Are you using transitional words
    and phrases consistently to create unity in your essay?) (3 points)
  • Structure of your problem/solution essay & thesis statement (3 points)
  • Relevance of evidence (Is the quote/paraphrase relevant to your argument?) (2 points)
  • Blending of quotes/paraphrases into writing (2 points)
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  • Sources (are they reliable and trustworthy?) (1point)
  • Response to assignment (Did you include everything in the “Requirements” section of this
    assignment? Did you provide a thoughtful and relevant response to the prompt?) (3 points)
  • Adherence to MLA formatting (in your essay, in your quotes/paraphrases) (1 point)
  • Works Cited page (adherence to MLA formatting, all sources used in the essay listed, all
    sources listed correspond with an in-text citation) (1 point)
  • Mechanics (Are there any issues in syntax (sentence construction), grammar, punctuation,
    or spelling that distract from content?) (2 points)

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