Solved EXAM 3


When we talk about “bureaucracy,” we are referring to layers of red tape that are purposefully designed to frustrate residents so that they leave government alone. the formal rules, tasks, official structure, and organizational principles that allow large organizations to accomplish their goals. a component of checks and balances intended to balance the power of the plural executive. a bridge between the legislative and executive branches to facilitate communication during the short legislative sessions.

ChatGPT said:


The correct definition of “bureaucracy” refers to:

the formal rules, tasks, official structure, and organizational principles that allow large organizations to accomplish their goals.

Bureaucracy is a system that organizes large institutions, often including government agencies, by creating standardized procedures, rules, and hierarchies to ensure consistency, efficiency, and accountability in achieving organizational objectives.


You said:

What is the primary task of the Texas secretary of state? to oversee the state’s foreign, economic, and diplomatic policy to handle elections and voter registration to collect child-support payments to coordinate and plan projects in conjunction with the federal government

ChatGPT said:


The primary task of the Texas secretary of state is to handle elections and voter registration. This office oversees the administration of elections and ensures the accuracy and integrity of voter registration across the state.


You said:

Members of the State Board of Education (SBOE) are elected in single-member districts. Therefore, voters in Texas have the ability to influence public education policy, such as high school graduation requirements and textbook adoptions. there will always be a balance between Democrats and Republicans on the SBOE. there are the same number of members on the SBOE as members of the Texas Senate. only registered Democrats or Republicans can run for positions on the SBOE.

ChatGPT said:


The correct statement is:

voters in Texas have the ability to influence public education policy, such as high school graduation requirements and textbook adoptions.

Members of the State Board of Education (SBOE) are elected by voters in single-member districts, allowing Texans to have a direct say in who represents them in decisions about public education policy.


You said:

Since each member of the Texas plural executive except the _______________ is independently elected, they are ultimately accountable to __________ comptroller; the governor. attorney general; the legislature. secretary of state; the voters. lieutenant governor; the cabinet.

ChatGPT said:


The correct answer is:

secretary of state; the voters.

In Texas, the secretary of state is the only member of the plural executive who is appointed by the governor rather than being independently elected. All other members of the plural executive are independently elected and therefore accountable to the voters.


You said:

The governor of Texas has some control over the final appropriations bill through the use of the ________ veto. pocket amendatory reduction line-item

ChatGPT said:


The correct answer is:

line-item veto.

The governor of Texas has the power to veto specific items or provisions in the appropriations bill without having to veto the entire bill, allowing for control over the final budget. This is known as the line-item veto.


You said:

The chief lawyer for Texas is the chief justice of the state supreme court. attorney general. secretary of state. state comptroller.

ChatGPT said:


The correct answer is:

attorney general.

The attorney general is the chief lawyer for the state of Texas and represents the state in legal matters.


You said:

Which actor has the most influence over the use and content of special sessions of the Texas legislature? the Speaker of the House, because all legislation must originate in the House, even if the governor calls a special session the lieutenant governor, because special sessions are one of the powers granted to the lieutenant governor through the plural executive the governor, because only the governor can call a special session and he or she gets to set the agenda for the session as well the chief justice of the Texas Supreme Court, who decides what is on the agenda for the special session and must approve calling special sessions

ChatGPT said:


The correct answer is:

the governor, because only the governor can call a special session and he or she gets to set the agenda for the session as well.

In Texas, the governor has the exclusive power to call special sessions of the legislature and controls the agenda by specifying the issues that can be considered during the session.


You said:

While the Texas governor’s term in office used to be 2 years, it was changed to _____ years with a constitutional amendment adopted in _________. 4; 1972 4; 2000 6; 1996 5; 1980

ChatGPT said:


The correct answer is:

4; 1972.

The Texas governor’s term was extended from 2 years to 4 years with a constitutional amendment adopted in 1972.


You said:

In 2021, approximately how many people worked for the state bureaucracy in Texas? 177,000 263,000 330,000 412,000

ChatGPT said:


The correct answer is:


In 2021, approximately 330,000 people worked for the state bureaucracy in Texas.


You said:

The governor appoints people to office, but the Texas ________ must also confirm them. House of Representatives Ethics Commission Senate Commission on Appointments

ChatGPT said:


The correct answer is:


The governor of Texas appoints people to office, but these appointments must be confirmed by the Texas Senate.


You said:

The governor of Texas may be removed from office only by impeachment with conviction by the Texas House. judiciary. Texas Senate. attorney general.

ChatGPT said:


The correct answer is:

Texas Senate.

The governor of Texas may be removed from office through impeachment by the Texas House of Representatives and conviction by the Texas Senate.


You said:

How is executive power in Texas structured? It is divided among multiple officials, each elected by the people, to ensure that no one person has too much power. It is modeled after executive power in the federal government, where the governor and lieutenant governor have powers similar to the president and vice president. It is set up so that Texas has one of the strongest governors in the United States. It is divided among multiple officials, each appointed by the governor, to ensure that no one person has too much power.

ChatGPT said:


The correct answer is:

It is divided among multiple officials, each elected by the people, to ensure that no one person has too much power.

In Texas, executive power is structured under a plural executive system, where several key officials, including the lieutenant governor, attorney general, and others, are independently elected. This structure limits the power of the governor to prevent centralization of authority.


You said:

Which of the following is the best example of the Texas governor’s military powers? The governor can declare martial law during a natural disaster. The governor can use federal troops stationed in camps within Texas. The governor receives a National Guard pension when he or she retires. The governor automatically possesses the rank of general in the U.S. Armed Forces.

ChatGPT said:


The correct answer is:

The governor can declare martial law during a natural disaster.

This is an example of the Texas governor’s military powers, as the governor has the authority to declare martial law and deploy the Texas National Guard in response to emergencies such as natural disasters.


You said:

As the chief budget officer of Texas, the Chief Accountant is responsible for submitting the executive budget to the governor and lieutenant governor for approval. the comptroller of accounts submits an executive budget to the legislature that reflects spending limits that have been approved by the governor. the Treasurer is responsible for submitting an executive budget to the comptroller before the legislative session begins. the Governor submits an executive budget that outlines his or her spending priorities for the next biennium.

ChatGPT said:


The correct answer is:

the Governor submits an executive budget that outlines his or her spending priorities for the next biennium.

As the chief budget officer, the Texas governor submits an executive budget to the legislature, which reflects the governor’s spending priorities for the upcoming two-year budget cycle (biennium). However, the legislature also develops its own budget proposals, and the final budget must be approved by the legislature.


You said:

What is the main function of the Texas Department of Insurance? It regulates the insurance market in Texas under the guidance of an appointed commissioner who serves a two-year term. It is responsible for ensuring that all Texans have health insurance as required by the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act. It is responsible for administering state-funded insurance programs such as Medicaid and CHIP. It is an elected multimember board that has responsibility for all insurance markets within Texas.

ChatGPT said:


The correct answer is:

It regulates the insurance market in Texas under the guidance of an appointed commissioner who serves a two-year term.

The Texas Department of Insurance oversees and regulates the state’s insurance market, ensuring that companies comply with state laws and regulations. The commissioner is appointed and serves a term, typically under the authority of the governor.


You said:

The purpose of the Biennial Revenue Estimate is to provide a detailed forecast of total revenues that the state of Texas is expected to take in over the next biennium. a detailed forecast of expenditures the state of Texas expects to be obligated for in the two-year budget cycle. a detailed forecast of the estimated federal funds the state of Texas can expect to receive during the two-year budget cycle. the governor of Texas with a detailed estimate of the likelihood of a balanced budget during the two-year budget cycle.

ChatGPT said:


The correct answer is:

a detailed forecast of total revenues that the state of Texas is expected to take in over the next biennium.

The Biennial Revenue Estimate (BRE) provides a projection of how much revenue the state of Texas is expected to collect during the upcoming two-year budget cycle. This estimate helps guide the legislature in setting the state’s budget.


You said:

What is the largest single source of revenue for the state of Texas? the federal government personal income taxes paid by residents of Texas taxes paid by oil and gas companies property taxes

ChatGPT said:


The correct answer is:

the federal government.

Federal funds are the largest single source of revenue for the state of Texas, making up a significant portion of the state’s budget through grants, Medicaid funding, and other programs. Texas does not have a state personal income tax.


You said:

The Legislative Budget Board of Texas is chaired by the comptroller of public accounts. the governor. the lieutenant governor. the land commissioner.

ChatGPT said:


The correct answer is:

the lieutenant governor.

The Legislative Budget Board (LBB) of Texas is chaired by the lieutenant governor and plays a key role in developing budgetary recommendations for the state legislature. The Speaker of the House serves as the co-chair.


You said:

It is through what process that the Texas legislature legally authorizes a government agency or body to spend up to a particular amount of money? state spending revenue bonds appropriations general obligation bonds

ChatGPT said:


The correct answer is:


Through the appropriations process, the Texas legislature legally authorizes a government agency or body to spend up to a specified amount of money. This is a key part of the state’s budgeting process.


You said:

Which of the following can the governor of Texas or Legislative Budget Board (LBB) propose to do in between legislative sessions? transfer money from one agency to another raise the homestead exemption tax rate revise the spending limit for the biennium reallocate what is considered a dedicated fund account versus what is considered a non-dedicated fund account.

ChatGPT said:


The correct answer is:

transfer money from one agency to another.

Between legislative sessions, the governor of Texas or the Legislative Budget Board (LBB) can propose to transfer funds from one agency to another, allowing for adjustments in the budget to address changing needs or priorities without requiring a full legislative session.


You said:

Based on information from a 2021 Kaiser Foundation study on state spending, the national average state spending per capita expenditure was $6,906. Where was Texas’s average per capital expenditure according to this study? around the national average, at about $6,800 below the national average, at about $4,600 above the national average, at about $8,300 Texas did not report data, so it was not included in the report.

ChatGPT said:


The correct answer is:

below the national average, at about $4,600.

According to the 2021 Kaiser Foundation study on state spending, Texas’s average per capita expenditure was significantly below the national average.


You said:

Which statement about progressive taxation is most accurate? The money collected from the specific tax can only be used for policies determined to be in the “public good.” Individuals with a lower income pay less in taxes because of a lower tax rate than those with a higher income. Individuals with a higher income pay less in taxes because of how the tax rates are established and constructed. Everyone pays the same amount in tax regardless of income.

ChatGPT said:


The correct answer is:

Individuals with a lower income pay less in taxes because of a lower tax rate than those with a higher income.

Progressive taxation is a system where the tax rate increases as an individual’s income increases, meaning those with higher incomes pay a higher percentage of their income in taxes compared to those with lower incomes.


You said:

What is the purpose of the Economic Stabilization Fund (ESF)? If there is a budget deficit, or a budget shortfall develops during a biennium, monies from the ESF can be used to fill these gaps if approved by a 3/5 vote of members of both houses of the legislature. Public officials such as police officers and firefighters who worked for smaller cities and towns that did not have their own pensions are eligible to gain pension benefits through the ESF. The ESF is designed to ensure that tuition at Texas public colleges and universities remains consistent with inflation. The EST ensures public officials have stable pension funds.

ChatGPT said:


The correct answer is:

If there is a budget deficit, or a budget shortfall develops during a biennium, monies from the ESF can be used to fill these gaps if approved by a 3/5 vote of members of both houses of the legislature.

The Economic Stabilization Fund (ESF), also known as the “Rainy Day Fund,” is designed to provide financial reserves that can be used to address budget deficits or shortfalls in Texas, with legislative approval.


You said:

While many of the sources of revenue in Texas are dedicated to specific purposes, designated as “nondedicated,” or come from the federal government, there are some funds that are not included in the specific budget categories. Where do we classify these funds? Miscellaneous Funds Supplementary Funds Other Funds Auxiliary Funds

ChatGPT said:


The correct answer is:

Other Funds.

Funds that are not included in specific budget categories, such as dedicated or federal funds, are classified as “Other Funds” in the Texas state budget. These funds come from various sources and are used for different purposes not covered by the major categories.


You said:

Which universities are eligible to receive monies from the Permanent University Fund (PUF)? any accredited university based in Texas that offers at least two different master’s degree programs universities that are part of the University of Texas and Texas A&M systems universities that are part of the University of Texas, Texas A&M, and University of North Texas systems any university based in Texas that is not designated as either a research university or an emerging research university

ChatGPT said:


The correct answer is:

universities that are part of the University of Texas and Texas A&M systems.

The Permanent University Fund (PUF) is a public endowment that supports universities within the University of Texas and Texas A&M systems. Other universities in Texas are not eligible to receive monies from the PUF.


You said:

What happens if money needs to be transferred from one agency to another and the Texas legislature is not in session to authorize this transfer? The governor can propose the transfer and the Legislative Budget Board (LBB) can approve the proposal. The governor must call a special session of the legislature to solve this problem. The agency receiving the money will have the funds debited from its budget in the next state budget, and the agency giving the money will have the funds credited to its budget in the next state budget. The comptroller of public accounts can authorize the transfer.

ChatGPT said:


The correct answer is:

The governor can propose the transfer and the Legislative Budget Board (LBB) can approve the proposal.

If the Texas legislature is not in session and a transfer of funds between agencies is needed, the governor can propose the transfer, and the Legislative Budget Board (LBB) has the authority to approve the transfer without the need for a special legislative session.


You said:

In 1978, the Texas Constitution was amended (Article 8, Section 22), so that if the economy of the state shrinks, appropriations can stay the same, as long as the budget balances. appropriations have to shrink as well. appropriations have to increase to stimulate the economy. the comptroller and the governor have the sole authority to decide how to deal with this kind of economic issue.

ChatGPT said:


The correct answer is:

appropriations have to shrink as well.

The 1978 amendment to the Texas Constitution (Article 8, Section 22) requires that if the state’s economy shrinks, appropriations must also decrease to ensure the state maintains a balanced budget. Texas operates under a balanced budget requirement, meaning the state cannot spend more than it collects in revenue.


You said:

The debate over preemption between local self-governance and control by Texas’ state government echoes which of the following: debates between the state governments and the federal government about which level of government should make governing decisions debates between the counties and the cities about who is responsible for road maintenance debates between home-rule cities and general-law cities about property rates and school funding debates between home-rule cities and unincorporated areas about annexation policies

ChatGPT said:


The correct answer is:

debates between the state governments and the federal government about which level of government should make governing decisions.

The debate over preemption between local self-governance and control by Texas’ state government mirrors the broader federalism debate about the division of power between state governments and the federal government, particularly regarding which level of government should have authority over certain policy areas.


You said:

In Texas, lesser criminal cases are generally prosecuted by _______________, while the more serious criminal cases tend to be prosecuted by ______________. general prosecutors; state attorneys retired judges; public defenders prosecutors working for local government; prosecutors working for state government county attorneys; district attorneys

ChatGPT said:


The correct answer is:

county attorneys; district attorneys.

In Texas, lesser criminal cases, such as misdemeanors, are generally prosecuted by county attorneys, while more serious criminal cases, such as felonies, are typically prosecuted by district attorneys.


You said:

To whom are most county officials most accountable, and how? county commissioners, through the commissioners’ court the voters, through the electoral process the attorney general, through the recall process the legislature, through the process of checks and balances

ChatGPT said:


The correct answer is:

the voters, through the electoral process.

Most county officials in Texas are accountable to the voters, as they are elected by the public. This electoral process allows voters to hold county officials accountable for their actions and performance in office.


You said:

As the number of urban areas grew in Texas in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, the management of local affairs became such a growing burden on the state legislature that it passed the General-Law City Charter Amendment in 1930. City Charter Ordinance of 1898. Home-Rule Charter Amendment in 1912. County Charter Bill of 1958.

ChatGPT said:


The correct answer is:

Home-Rule Charter Amendment in 1912.

As urban areas grew in Texas, the management of local affairs became increasingly difficult for the state legislature. To address this, the Home-Rule Charter Amendment was passed in 1912, allowing cities with a population of more than 5,000 to adopt home-rule charters and govern themselves with more local autonomy.


You said:

Which of these statements best describes a critical difficulty county government in Texas faces? Many counties are too small and underpopulated to function well. County laws were made in the eighteenth century, making them too old-fashioned. There is too much uniformity in the size and population of most counties. Too often the county seats cannot be reached in a day’s drive.

ChatGPT said:


The correct answer is:

Many counties are too small and underpopulated to function well.

One of the critical difficulties faced by county governments in Texas is that many counties have small populations and limited resources, which can make it challenging to provide essential services and function effectively. This is especially true in rural areas.


You said:

The chief law-enforcement officer in county governments in Texas is the sheriff. constable. justice of the peace. city police chief.

ChatGPT said:


The correct answer is:


In Texas, the sheriff is the chief law-enforcement officer in county governments, responsible for maintaining law and order, overseeing the county jail, and providing law enforcement services in unincorporated areas of the county.


You said:

In a mayor-council form of government, the mayor ____________________ while the city council __________________. serves as chief executive officer of the city; serves as the legislative body for the city is responsible for setting the tax rate for the city; selecting the individual to serve as mayor is a symbolic position without any real power; has both executive and legislative powers serves for a six-year term in office; serves for a three-year term in office

ChatGPT said:


The correct answer is:

serves as chief executive officer of the city; serves as the legislative body for the city.

In a mayor-council form of government, the mayor acts as the chief executive officer, responsible for implementing city policies and overseeing city departments, while the city council serves as the legislative body, passing laws and setting policy for the city.


You said:

What is a user fee? a fee paid to access a particular governmental resource, such as the Texas Legislative Library a fee paid to consultants to assist with the permit process to ensure you have the correct forms filled out to get property rezoned a fee paid for a particular good or service, such as water service a fee paid to the court system to access the electronic docket system

ChatGPT said:


The correct answer is:

a fee paid for a particular good or service, such as water service.

A user fee is a charge imposed by the government for the use of a specific service or facility, such as water, public parks, or toll roads. It is based on the principle that those who benefit from the service should pay for it.


You said:

Suppose you were trying to reform your city’s government so that it better reflected the ethnic and racial diversity of your city and with leadership that is more accountable to voters. Which of the following forms of city government would most likely achieve these goals? a commissioner form of government with at-large elections a council-manager form of government with a mix of single-member districts and at-large elections a mayor-council form of government with single-member districts a commissioner form of government operating under a general-law framework

ChatGPT said:


The correct answer is:

a mayor-council form of government with single-member districts.

This form of government is more likely to reflect the ethnic and racial diversity of a city because single-member districts allow for the election of representatives from specific geographic areas, which can lead to better representation of diverse communities. It also ensures that leadership is more directly accountable to voters in those districts.


You said:

Many of the counties in Texas are too small to be goverened efficiently, and some argue that Texas has too many counties. What would have to happen to merge or combine some of Texas’s counties? a vote of the population in the impacted counties authorizing the merger the legislature would have to authorize the merger a constitutional amendment authorizing the merger of counties the commissioner of the General Land Office must work with the county commissioners of the impacted counties

ChatGPT said:


The correct answer is:

a constitutional amendment authorizing the merger of counties.

Merging or combining counties in Texas would require a constitutional amendment, as the current structure of counties is established in the Texas Constitution. This process would involve approval by the legislature and a vote by the state’s population to amend the constitution.


You said:

Cities and towns in Texas often see rapid population growth. Such growth requires school districts to quickly expand. In this type of situation, school districts use __________________ to borrow the necessary funds to achieve this goal. capital appreciation bonds (CABs) general obligation bonds (GOBs) revenue anticipation notes (RANs) capital investment bonds (CIBs)

ChatGPT said:


The correct answer is:

general obligation bonds (GOBs).

School districts in Texas often use general obligation bonds (GOBs) to borrow funds for expansion and infrastructure improvements. These bonds are backed by the taxing authority of the district and are typically used to finance long-term capital projects, such as building new schools or expanding existing facilities.


You said:

What is the main difference between a home-rule city and a general-law city in Texas? A general-law city does not have a mayor. A general-law city is chartered for localities with a population of fewer than 5,000 persons. A general-law city is the name for all cities incorporated after 1901. A general-law city has no power to set the property tax.

ChatGPT said:


The correct answer is:

A general-law city is chartered for localities with a population of fewer than 5,000 persons.

In Texas, general-law cities are those with populations under 5,000 and are limited to powers specifically granted by state law. In contrast, home-rule cities, which have populations over 5,000, have more autonomy and can adopt a home-rule charter, allowing them to govern themselves with broader authority.


You said:

One goal of the deferred retirement option plan (DROP) was to keep Dallas police officers and firefighters working on the job instead of retiring and collecting their pension after 20 years of service. allow state employees to privately invest their retirement savings rather than pay into a state-run pension account. allow firefighters and police officers in the large cities to delay retirement to 30 years of service, but receive a bigger pension. encourage teachers to work for more than 20 years to receive a larger pension from the state.

ChatGPT said:


The correct answer is:

keep Dallas police officers and firefighters working on the job instead of retiring and collecting their pension after 20 years of service.

The Deferred Retirement Option Plan (DROP) was designed to encourage experienced police officers and firefighters to continue working beyond their eligibility for retirement by allowing them to accumulate pension benefits in a separate account while still earning a salary. This helps retain skilled personnel in critical public safety roles.

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