Solved: Experimentation & Recommendation


you will FINALLY be able to do something about all that nasty waste in your chosen process!   You will conduct rapid daily experiments to eliminate the causes you identified in your fishbone diagram.

Start with the supplied Rapid PDCA Experiment template.

Complete at least 3 cycles of rapid PDCA cycles to eliminate at least 3 causes you identified in your fishbone diagram.  Answer the questions for each of the columns in the rapid experiment for each process change you try.  Use your identified fishbone elements for elimination.

For example, back to the long breakfast-making routine and all its waste motion…Let’s say you identified that one of the causes for this waste was having to look all over your kitchen for spices.  You may conduct an experiment on organizing your spices.  This could look like this on your Rapid PDCA tracker:

What can we try today?  To organize spices used for breakfast next to the stove

What do you expect will happen?  This should reduce the motion waste and therefore time to make breakfast

What happened? It really helped reduce motion and shaved 3 minutes of my breakfast making process step. You need to measure the before and after metric for each Rapid PDCA cycle. You need to measure the before and after metric for each Rapid PDCA cycle.

What do you learn, next steps?  Organizing kitchen supplies helps reduce motion waste and time in breakfast making.  Next up, organizing the utensils used in making breakfast! 

NOTE:  notice how this last step Tee’s up the next experiment of organizing kitchen utensils associated with breakfast making to eliminate more waste and time from the overall breakfast-making step in your morning routine. 

Lessons learned: Please write a brief paragraph sharing your reflections/lessons learned from doing this assignment.  It should include how you personally benefited from doing this assignment. You should address these questions.  Have you shifted to root cause countermeasures? Are you using the PDCA cycle to implement the plan and gather knowledge?

All submissions should be the Excel template in a standard Word document with a 3-page limit. We will combine all the boxes at the end of the class.

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