Solved: Factorial ANOVA – Lab 5 QuestionsSolved:


Write a research question for a 2X2 factorial ANOVA with two
levels for each independent variable. You need a minimum of 5
observations per group. Label the independent and dependent
variables and label the groups. Define the target population and the
sampling method employed to ensure a representative sample of the
target population.
2. Write the main and interaction effects null hypotheses. List
ANOVA assumptions for Factorial ANOVA.
3. Are there any significant main or interaction effects? Explain
whether to reject or fail to reject your three null hypotheses based
upon your a priori alpha level (critical test value). Also, report and
interpret the values of effect size and observed Power. If you reject
any null hypotheses, which groups scored higher?
4. For the interaction effect, as depicted in your table of “Between
Subject Effects”, make a 2x2 table of cell means from your
“Descriptives” table and explain what type of interaction you
obtained. Do the row subtractions and give the row values and the
signs to support your conclusions.
5. Is your design orthogonal? Explain orthogonality and its’
importance in the ANOVA procedure. What are the consequences
of a nonorthogonal design?

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