Solved: Final Essay Assignment


For the culminating assignment of this course, students will write a comprehensive essay demonstrating
their mastery of clear, concise, and grammatically correct writing. The essay may explore any topic that
allows for the demonstration of advanced writing techniques, structuring arguments, and precise
language use. The content should reflect a synthesis of the writing principles discussed throughout the
course, including coherence, unity, and emphasis, as well as demonstrate the effective use of grammar,
punctuation, and stylistic elements of characteristics of proficient English writing.
Learning Objectives:

  • Communicate clearly, concisely, and correctly.
  • Reframe information, ideas, and concepts.
  • Critically evaluate sources and information.
  1. Essay Topic: select a topic that resonates with individual interests and societal relevance.
  2. Research: incorporate at least five (5) credible sources that provide substantial information and
    scholarly viewpoints on the selected topic. At least two (2) references must be from peerreviewed journals.
  3. Essay Length: the essay is between 1,250 – 1,500 words, excluding the title and references
  4. Structure: the essay contains all elements, including a clear introduction that includes a thesis
    statement, body paragraphs that support the thesis with evidence and analysis, and a conclusion
    that summarizes the finding and their implications.
  5. Formatting: the essay must be in an approved font and size, double-spaced, and with one-inch
    margins. The citation formatting must follow the APA 7th Edition style guide.
    ▪ The assignment is due on Tuesday, April 16, 2024, at 11:59 p.m. EST via Moodle.
    ▪ A penalty of 25% per day will be applied to the final assignment grade for late submissions up to
    a maximum of four days

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